Monday, December 31, 2018
The Seven Year Itch (Time to Say Goodbye)
But, somehow over the last year, writing these posts has moved from special, self-care to another chore on my list. The posts have become more perfunctory and less introspective, and the act of writing them has become an energy zap instead of an energy zing. In short, I'm over it. And I want to put my energy towards other things.
So, as we close out another year, I find it a fitting time to say (with great emotion) good-bye. This is the last post for "Life's Next Chapter." Thanks for reading and coming along for the ride.
Life's Next Chapters Greatest Hits
I leave you with links to a few of my favorite and most-read posts from the years, should you care to stroll memory lane with me. Man, I'm so thankful to have these and ALL the others--the memories fade faster than you think.
7 Musings - October 2012
I'm Thirty What? - June 2013
Rock Bottom. I Don't Think So... - February 2014
My Son Plays with Dolls - August 2014
A Walk to Remember - March 2015
It's a Thankless Job - May 2015
Coloring Inside the Lines - July 2015
Lessons from Unicorns - September 2015
Parenting Advice - January 2016
John, Joan, and Gene - January 2017
To the Working Parenting - July 2017
Where are you going? - April 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
A Very Merry Christmas
Christmas morning joy! |
Nick melted my heart with a T-Rex pendant that he picked out at the school’s holiday market. He had been dying to give it to me for the past two weeks. He hadn’t even unwrapped one gift when he caught sight of it under the tree, dropped his half-unwrapped present, and shouted, “oh, Mom! Your present!” He was beaming watching me unwrap it and when I saw that tiny silver dinosaur, I turned into a puddle. Such a perfect gift from my dinosaur-loving boy. While, maybe not the same sentimental connection, Lainey chose a very hip wood and stone bead bracelet for me. Super cool and gorgeous too! I’m very well accessorized now.
Presents and goodies aside, it was one of the best days we’ve had in quite awhile—just being together with no rush to be anywhere or interruptions from the rest of the world. The whole day was really wonderful. ‘‘Twas a very, merry Christmas indeed!
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Still Thankful
My favorites |
The whole Brandi crew |
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Hello, is this Nick's mom?
However, this behavior may be the least of our worries, because then came Saturday morning...
I get back from the grocery store and Mark says, "did you see my text?" I pull out my phone and read, "Nick just dropped the f bomb. Elaine said that he learned it from you. He said he learned it from (friend who I will not mention by name, so as not to drag another kid on my blog)." I am happy to report two things:
1) He did NOT learn it from me--and neither did Elaine. I forgot to switch off my podcast when picking up the kids last week and when I started the car, the very first word to spring from the speakers was an emphatic "f***." THAT was what Elaine was referencing when she said he learned it from me.
2) Mark said when he talked to Nick, he really didn't seem to understand that it was that bad to say it. In his mind, it was the same as calling someone "stupid."
Unfortunately, we had some out-of-town guests over last night and their 5-year-old son also has been using the f-word. Before you know it, Lainey comes running up the stairs all-to-happy to tell Mark that Nick just said "the word" again. It's lucky for Nick that the other parents had freely discussed their son's "experimentation." We allowed Nick an opportunity to explain the situation, and per Nick, "I didn't say it. I told him he can't say 'f***ing'." We got crystal clear (I hope) with Nick that there is no situation where he should ever use that word. If he's trying to tell a friend not to say it, he still can't use the actual word.
So now I'm way less concerned about getting a call about ninja fighting at recess, which is at least an age-appropriate offense with other willing participants. I'm now freaking out that I'll be getting a call from the office and every parent in the Kindergarten class over Nick's language.
Lainey may give us the fits at home, but Nick's going to be the one to turn my hair white...
T-R-O-U-B-L-E |
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Big step for our little Lainey today...two new holes and some bling to fill them! She was pretty nervous as we approached Claire’s, but she kept a stiff upper lip that broke into a huge smile at her first glimpse of her new look. Magic!
I wish I could say that the road to this moment was magic too, but it reality it’s been a rocky one. We were actually set to do this a few months ago, but the morning we were to go, Elaine’s behavior was so abhorrent that I shut the whole thing down and vowed not to take her until she shaped up. And again, I wish I could say that she indeed improved her attitude, but it’s not been a fun time at our house. Without going into all the details and examples, I’ll just say Mark and I are at the end of our rope (especially me).
Thursday was a particularly bad morning that put me on the brink of tears all day. So, in my pain, I came to the only possible was time to take her to get her ears pierced. I knew we both desperately needed a special experience to share—one that wasn’t tied to any quid pro quo. Just Lainey and me taking on an adventure. And it really, really was a special morning that lead to a good heart-to-heart talk, and I know we both feel better.
Oh, Laineybug, you fierce, sharp, independent girl. I love you more than words, and I know you love me. And we’re gonna’ be okay.
You look good girl!
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Rise of the Dead (Blogger)
The Halloween candy haul has been an overwhelming success with the kids raking it in at Boo at the Zoo on Saturday, parties at school and the YMCA, and of course, good old-fashioned trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. We must have 25 pounds of the stuff...I don't think I'm exaggerating.
I'd love to write more, but I'm exhausted. But, I refuse to let this blog fade away into the good night. Posts may be sporadic and sparse until I can get my mojo back, but write on I will! In the meantime, thank heaven for photos to tell the story. I know that's what you really want to see anyway!
Happy Halloween!
Our little Dalmation and ninja! |
Add one Mom Avocado! (Nick's ORIGINAL costume...and a story for another post) |
Expertly carved pumpkins by Mark |
Boo at the Zoo |
Uncle time! |
More uncle time! (I'm embarrassed that this is the ONLY photo I got of the Kammler visit. It's still a good memory capture--cards with Lainey and a back massage from Nick) |
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Who stole September?
Before... |
...and after! |
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Back to School!
CPS is back in full swing this week! Both kids are off to a great start. Lainey was a little disappointed she didn't get Ms. Daresh, but seems to like Ms. Sweeney, who is new to our school this year. Nick's only complaint is "the girls are mean and don't talk to the boys." But, he loves drinking chocolate milk at lunch. I've asked that he only get it every other day, but he says, "I'll try, but it's just soooooo good, Mom." Fair enough Nick. And, really, if reaping the benefit of the kids getting the school lunch means they drink chocolate milk every day, I can deal with that compromise. Best news of the week is both kids still get to see their summer camp besties, who go to different schools but are attending the Y after school program.
For extracurriculars, Nick is taking karate at the Y on Wednesdays. He had his first class and thought it was "awesome." Another boy from his kindergarten class is in it with him--I hope they don't start practicing on the playground! Lainey was supposed to take tennis, but again, the class was canceled, because she was the only one to sign up. She'll start ballet tomorrow (a new endeavor!) and is going to sign up for a basketball league that starts in October. We'll probably add in swimming at some point this fall, too. Gymnastics got the boot this year, but may be back in the mix if ballet doesn't pan out.
Here's to a happy and successful school year!
Monday, September 3, 2018
Laurel Falls |
We hit the Smoky Mountains last week for our summer family vacation, and it was amazing! We stayed in Pigeon Forge, which is super touristy, but our cabin was about 15 minutes outside of the main area and very quiet and secluded. When we arrived Monday evening we were greeted by a black bear crossing our path! Very cool!
Mark and I went back-and-forth on how to structure the trip. Should we do the national park first? Or take the kids to the tourist trap fun or a water park first? In the end, the weather forecast decided for us and we did the park the first day on Tuesday. We weren't sure how the kids would take to hiking, but they LOVED it! Our main hike was to Laurel Falls, which took us about 2.5 hours round trip. Nick can be kind of wimpy about walking long distances, but not here. He was a champ! Both kids loved all the little spots to stop and climb and the "short cuts" off the paved path. They also had fun wading in the water by our picnic spot. We did the drive around Cade's Cove and got another black bear spotting as well as some wild turkeys. The full drive around is lengthy and the kids ended up nodding off, so Mark and I decided to push ahead and drive up to Clingman's Dome. The drive gave the kids another 40 minutes of sleep to refresh them for the climb to the top. Breathtaking! Afterward, we treated the kids to pizza and arcade time, where Lainey won her first of TWO Beanie Boos at the claw machine.
On Wednesday, we had an afternoon reservation to do a family float rafting trip on the lower Pigeon River, so we spent the morning on "amusement" activities including the Alpine Coaster and mini golf. We finished golf, just as the rain started for our drive out to the rafting outpost. It POURED when we got there, but luck was on our side and the sun came out just as we hit the water. The raft ride was pretty fun with some very small rapids to add a little excitement. Lainey did an awesome job paddling--I was impressed! That evening, we hit "The Island," which is an open air mall with a carnival in the middle. Bonus surprise was a free Everclear concert. Ha! The kids rode all the rides, did a trampoline with a harness and bungee cords, and Nick did a "tykes" low ropes course, while Lainey tried the high ropes course. Ultimately, she got freaked out after two obstacles. Mark bought a ticket and went up to try to help her through, but she was too far gone with panic. She made her way back down and the first thing she said to me was, "I'm so embarrassed." I gave her a big hug and assured her that she wasn't the first kid to get scared and wouldn't be the last. I also relayed the time I did a ropes course at the age of 12 and totally flipped my lid. Her spirits rebounded on the giant Ferris Wheel, before hitting another arcade, where Lainey won her SECOND Beanie Boo (and any blight the ropes course had put on her mood vanished). We came soooooo close to winning one for Nick--we had that monkey in the claw at least eight times--but it fell out every time. Womp, womp. But, Lainey let him have the majority of the tickets they won on other games, so he got a squishy monster thingamajig and was happy.
We ended up not getting home until 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday, so we took it easy Thursday morning with a big breakfast at the cabin, before heading back to the park. We started out on a hike to the Grotto Falls, but had to turn back when it started pouring rain. We really didn't mind the rain and were going to push on, but this trail wasn't paved and was steeper than the Laurel Falls trail, so Mark was worried about it being super slippery coming back down. Although we didn't make it to the falls, the rain did stop, and we were able to explore a few other stop offs. Before calling it a day, we appeased the kids with go carts, bumper cars, and bumper boats. So fun! We spent the evening at the cabin enjoying the hot tub and playing Sorry! on the deck while the sun set. A perfect way to end our time in Tennessee.
While we said farewell to the Smoky Mountains on Friday, our trip was not over! We were off to Kentucky for a final adventure at Mammoth Cave, which was a hit for us all, but possibly not as big of a hit as the fried chicken restaurant Mark found for dinner that night. It's called The Eagle, and I highly recommend it if you're ever in Louisville.
Saturday was the ride back to Chicago and the real world for us. While I wouldn't call this vacation relaxing, it was definitely restorative. Because we were so active and having so much fun, I was able to keep my brain turned off from all the day-to-day stress and to-do lists that usually run through my head. And since the kids proved to be such powerhouses on this trip, it has me excited thinking of all the possibilities for vacations to come. Truly, I haven't had so much fun in ages, and we built some really amazing memories.
Trail-side climb |
One happy dad! |
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Alpine Coaster |
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Nick and his paddlers |
The rain couldn't dampen our spirits! |
Vroom!! |
Farewell to our cabin |
Caving |
Monday, August 20, 2018
Shortless Summer
Pants v. Shorts |
Monday, July 23, 2018
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Lucky #7!
We kicked off the "Week of Lainey" last weekend with a visit from Grandpa, Sharon, and Chris. We finally got some gorgeous weather after all the rain and extreme heat. It was perfect! We kept it low key with presents and ice cream cake at home on Saturday and a trip to the Botanic Garden on Sunday. For her actual birthday on Wednesday, we granted her request for dinner at Chili's, followed by presents at home. She raked in the game Life, new books, a hula hoop, and a new sleeping bag. The sleeping bag is significant--after her Girl Scout sleepover a few weeks back she shunned her Cinderella sleeping bag and said she needed a new one "with a pattern and NOT a stupid princess." See, I told you--she's departing the "little girl" space and rushing straight into "girlhood." *Sigh*
But, the BIG birthday deal happened today, when we took Lainey and three of her friends to a horse stable for a pony trail ride. Not just a walk in a circle on a spoke-and-wheel job, but a REAL pony ride through a forest preserve. And Lainey got a BIG pony--almost the size of a horse. It was SOOO hot, but her smile made it SOOO worth it! Afterward, we went to Pequod's for her favorite pizza and then back to the house to decorate cupcakes. It was a pretty awesome day!
Laineybug, you take my breath away some days. I know we clash--like really CLASH--but, I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see what amazing things you'll do. I love you to the moon and back and back again. Keep the fire (even if you have to practice against me); you'll need it someday!
Happy Birthday to our girl!
Thursday, June 21, 2018
School's Out!
First day vs last day! |
Wonder Women! |
Going crazy under the fire hose! |
Saturday, June 9, 2018
The Graduate - Nick's Turn
This was our fourth graduation program at Care-A-Lot, but the most emotional because it was also our last. Next week will be Nick's final one with the Care-A-Lot crew before moving on to YMCA camp for the summer and Wildwood next year. There are no words to give proper justice to the women at this center. They are pure love and dedication, and I cannot be happier with our experience there. We will miss all the teachers and friends!
But, while we hope Nick can keep in touch with his old friends, we're ready to give him some new experiences! Get ready Kindergarten...Nick is coming for you!
With his teacher Sarah |
With Sheri the Director (she's always had a soft spot for Nick) |
The whole family! |
Olivia! Best friend (and possibly future wife!) |
Celebratory ice cream! |
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Nick says... Installment 3
Full of self-confidence--even for his average attributes..
"There’s no one in the world like me. I’m the fastest. Strongest. Best escaper. Best finder of things. (Long pause.) And my hair is brown."
He's got it figured out...
"It’s good to be younger. You get away with more stuff."
Lessons from Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree...
“Daddy, the tree’s making bad choices.”
One of these things is not like the other...
"When I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist, zookeeper, veterinarian, and a hunter."
On our future relationship...
Me: "When you grow up, will you still spend time with me?"
Nick: "I don't know, Mom. I'm gonna be pretty busy. I'm gonna have a lot of jobs. I'll see what I can fit in."
Why use the imperial or metric system, when you can use forest animals?
Mark: "How big is it?"
Nick: "You know. About the size of a possum."
He continues with his foreign language development...
"Mommy, I know a French word, 'zwooay'. That means 'get out' in Spanish."
He know Spanish songs, too...and perhaps could benefit from a Sunday school class or two.
Nick: "Daddy, I know all of the Spanish songs. Muffin man is really a Spanish song. Muffin man is really muffin dog." (He sings the song, but says “Gormy Lane” instead of “Bakery Lane”). "Daddy, is 'gormy' a Spanish word?"
Mark: "Do you mean gourmet?"
Nick: "No. Gormy. Gormy Lane is where Jesus lives."
A little inappropriate, but I'm so damn proud he used the word correctly (guess which one I'm referring to)...
Singing in the swim school changing room..."I'm playing with my dinker, my dinker, my dinker."
Disapproving look from me. "What? I didn't say 'literally.' I'm not literally playing with my dinker."
Hope you got a chuckle or two out of those... this kid. He's magic!
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Photo: Joshua Ford, Ford Photography |
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Where are you going, my little one?
Photography: Joshua Ford, Ford Photography |
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Easter Bunny No More
After a busy few days taking advantage of Spring Break, we kept things very low key on Easter. Just an early morning egg hunt and baskets from the Easter Bunny. Well, Nick got a basket from the Easter Bunny. Lainey got a basket from us.
Saturday night during her bath, Lainey started interrogating me on the Easter Bunny. I tried to hedge, but by the way she questioned me and the smirk on her face, I knew the jig was up. So, I reminded her that Nick was only 5 and that her friends might still believe, so mum’s the word.
Mark and I were a little sad, just because it means she’s growing up. But, we both agree the Easter Bunny is a pretty dumb concept, and we could do without the whole charade. But, I don’t think Santa is going to survive another Christmas...and that’s gonna sting.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Welcome to the universe... |
Lainey asked if she could take his donut. We didn't let her. |
Perfect end to a busy few days! |
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Happy 5th, Nick!
Happy birthday to this energetic, inquisitive, charming-as-hell 5-year-old, who delivers the best one-liners with impeccable comedic timing. Nicholas, you are pure magic! We love you so!