Friday, July 21, 2017

To the Working Parents

Today was a tough one. Sometimes balancing work and parenting can just tear you to pieces. There's never a good time for an injured or sick child, but there are definitely horrible times. Times where you have debates in your head that you never though you'd have. I know some will argue differently, but it's not always black and white on who comes first. So, today I delivered at work and ended the day where I wanted to be all along--with Lainey's head in my lap. And I just have to let go of how I got from Point A to Point B and accept that no one got my best today. Sometimes good enough has to be enough--even if it feels shitty. But, I'm thankful for supportive bosses. And for forgiving children. And for Friday. And for the wine Mark brought home.

So, tonight, here's to the working parents who...

  • miss the big meeting to attend the choir program
  • miss the big game to attend the important conference
  • dose ibuprofen and hope daycare doesn't detect a fever until after the presentation
  • force someone to cover, so they can care for a wheezy child
  • debate with their partner of who has the more important work day
  • cry in the bathroom because they screamed at their kids during the stress of running late
  • laugh as they leave daycare, because their kid's tantrum is someone else's problem now
  • love leading the project team more than coaching little league
  • give up the promotion, so they can have more flexible hours
  • volunteer for every evening or weekend child-related activity, because they feel guilty they aren't there at pick-up every day
  • ignore deep sighs from co-workers, because they have to go pick-up their child
  • turn away from the disappointed face, because they can't go on the field trip
  • work to support their families
  • work to fuel their souls
And to all the other dilemmas and tensions and missteps as you try to do what's best. To the wins and the losses. To the pride and the guilt and the gratification and the frustration. Whether you're drinking away a bad day or celebrating one of the goods--cheers!

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