Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Moline with lots of food and family and more food! Look at this fine crew...

Brandi Family Thanksgiving 2016

It really was an amazing three days. The kids all got along so well and are finally old enough to go about their business pretty much unattended. Nick and Eleanor, in particular, were thick as thieves. They barely went anywhere without each other and occasionally seemed to speak their own language. I wish I could have bottled up their adorableness to send out as Christmas gifts. 

Eleanor is "reading" Nick a story...cuteness overload!
Being as it's not a holiday until a Brandi child gets a fever and/or pukes, we did spend some time cleaning up after Nick booted at 1:30am on Friday. Not to didn't take too long since he mostly threw up all over me. Better me than his sister, who was sleeping on the other side of him. In the end, we're pretty sure it was a combo of rich foods and excitement that got to him, because he woke up find Friday morning and didn't have any other issues. 

And now we are back in Chicago and in full-fledged holiday spirit! We decorated the tree and house today, sang Christmas songs, and drank hot chocolate. Bring on all the feelings! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Drumstick Dash

Lainey participated in her first race this past Sunday at the Lincolnwood Drumstick Dash! It was an adorable event for kids 6 and under. It would have been a lot more adorable if the kids weren’t shivering with snot pouring from their faces in the 25-degree temperature. The warm weather couldn’t hang on for just two more days, could it? For the 5- and 6-year-olds, the dash was 100 yards, and even though the announcer repeated about a dozen times, no pushing and no falling, 20 or so kids trip over each other and landed in a major pile-up about 10 yards in. But, not our Lainey! She zoomed around the carnage and caught up to the pack leaders with a strong finish of—well, who knows, it wasn’t a competitive race. She wasn’t first and she wasn’t last, so we’ll leave it at that.

The really great news behind this story is the whole reason we even participated is the kindergarten girls finally have a Girl Scout troop! While the official meetings don’t start until January, this was a little kick-off event to get the girls together. And even better news...within about two minutes of meeting up with the group, I somehow volunteered to be the Cookie Sales Manager. This role is no joke, my friends. There are training meetings and materials galore, and I get to go to a Cookie Kick-off Rally at Allstate Arena! Mark is not enthused. Perhaps I should have at least asked what the role entailed, but, let’s face it, I would have said “yes” anyway. It’s something I can offer that won’t conflict with my work schedule. So, get your wallets ready, because I mean business and my girls are coming for you in January!

Check out our little Dasher below! 

There's our dasher in the back!

A successful finish!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We can still go high!

Well, my loves, I had hoped to be writing a very different post today. I am sad. So, so, so sad. Today is a hard day. But, we are not defeated. We can still speak loudly and proudly in defense of equality, compassion, empathy, and love. We can still fight to break down walls instead of build them up. We can still teach our children how to be kind, empathetic citizens of this world and that, while sometimes the bully wins, we don’t have to fight back with hate or sink to his level. We can still go high!

Donald Trump is our president-elect and no amount of angry posts on Facebook will change that. But, we are not powerless. We have a lot of work to do. So, take today to cry and pull the covers over your head, if you need to. Work your stages of loss. And then get up and do something to make this world better. It’s doesn’t have to be a grand, sweeping force of change. Buy a homeless person breakfast. Visit a nursing home. Volunteer to clean a park. Give someone a hug. Anything. Just resist continuing the vitriol that we’ve endured for the last several months and put something GOOD out there. We can still go high! And we'll need to now, more than ever!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trick or Treat...Smell my Feet

"Smile already, so we can get OUT of here and get our candy begging on!"

The sly fox gives in and smiles on his own...

Finally! A beautiful night for trick or treating; no umbrellas or coats required. And both kids were happy and healthy. Thank you, Great Pumpkin for bestowing your good fortune!

No matching costumes this year, but I still think they made a cute pair. Poor Nick's costume was just a tad too snug, so the hood stayed down most of the night, but whatever. We got the photos! The kiddos headed out with our backyard neighbors and had a total blast. They trick or treated for over an hour and came home with the haul to prove it. They were pretty cooperative about only eating a few pieces though. Great Pumpkin, really, you were too good to us this year!

We did have to do some coaching on the old "Trick or Treat, smell my feet song..." First, contrary to Lainey's insistence otherwise, the words are not "if you don't, I don't care, I'll go down your underwear." She wanted to know why she couldn't say that and I said it's inappropriate, which only prompted another "why" and I knew I was going to spiral down one of my incoherent, be honest without being too honest, explanations, so I just went with the tried and true, "because I said so." Second, Mark explained you shouldn't actually sing it when you're going up to a house (although Nick was so damn adorable, I think it would have gotten him more candy.)

Prior to the big night out, both kids were treated to fun parties at school. I did have a mom fail with Lainey. We got a note that kids were allowed to bring goodie bags to pass out to their friends, but Lainey's got shut down, because I had M&Ms in them--they were the plain ones, but made in the same factory as the peanut ones.* Face palm! It just never crossed my mind. But, considering she has 25 kids in her class and only came home with six goodie bags, I have a feeling I wasn't the only one to screw that one up. Then she told me parents could come to the party and asked why I didn't come. Well, I didn't know parents would come (let's just say there is room for improvement in the communication from school to home), or I probably could have made it this time. Between not being able to give out her goodie bags and having her mom stand her up for the party, I became irrationally heartbroken for her and started down a shame spiral. But, I talked to my neighbor who did go to the party, and she told me how incredible it was and I realized Lainey probably didn't really care much I wasn't there. Evidently, we have some pretty awesome room moms who created almost a carnival in the classroom with different activity stations and Pinterest-worthy treats. So, instead of feeling guilty for what I didn't do, I choose to be grateful that we're lucky enough to have these amazing women with the time, energy, and creativity to pull off an awesome Halloween party!

Later as I was putting Nick to bed he said, "Mommy, there weren't enough juice boxes." Fear seized my heart. What?! I signed up for juice boxes and, as instructed, I brought 11. I asked, "So, you didn't get a juice box?" To which he replied, "I got a juice pouch." Relief! I had sent Honest Apple Juice, which comes in pouches. I did it! I provided juice to preschoolers! Gold star for me!

So, another festive holidays in the books! Now on to my favorite holiday...Thanksgiving!

*Before you roll your eyes about the peanut-free thing, I am a huge proponent of being respectful of food allergies. They can be a matter of life and death for some kids, so I'm willing to be hit with a little inconvenience on my end to make sure these kids have a safe environment.