Sunday, September 24, 2017

I Mom So Hard

Guys, I know I often write about what a mess I am, but I gotta' say, right now, in this moment, I AM KILLING it. 

After the first week of school, I made some adjustments to our evening routine and--BAM--we're working like a well-oiled machine. Homework? Handled. Extracurriculars? Got 'em covered. Family dinners? Still happening. Bedtimes have been stretched a wee bit and our already loose shower schedule has picked up even more slack, but the kids aren't struggling to wake up and flies aren't following them, so we're good. 

And this weekend? Let me TELL you about this weekend...
  • Kids' Halloween costumes picked and bought. 
  • Flu shots administered. 
  • Birthday present (for next weekend) bought and wrapped. 
  • Banana bread baked. 
  • Errands done.
  • Laundry washed, folded, AND put away.
And I just wrote this blog post. AND it's only NOON! Say what? Don't mind me, I'm just going to be reading leisurely the rest of the day (because I also already have dinner prepped and ready for the oven!)

However, even as I bask in the glory of an impending afternoon with nothing much to do, I realize it's only possible because we've had two weekends in a row with nothing on the calendar (and last weekend we scored play dates for the kids on both Saturday and Sunday.) All hell breaks loose again starting next week and probably won't let up until after Thanksgiving...which means after Christmas...which means after Nick's birthday. So, that's cool. At least I'll have material for this blog...

Friday, September 8, 2017

First Day of First Grade!!!

Looking sparkly and ready to shine!
Lainey’s off to first grade! So far so good! Her besties are all in her class again this year (for better or worse—we shall see), and I’m really happy with the communication style of her teacher so far (although the bar wasn’t set that high from last year).

We may have been a bit over zealous with fall activities, however. She will continue swim lessons on Thursday nights and gymnastics on Wednesday nights. We switched her from lessons at the YMCA to a real gymnastics school, because she just wasn’t learning much. From just one class at the new place she made a huge skill leap (same thing happened with her swim lessons). It’s nice to have another option, but it also means I can’t take advantage her afterschool program at the Y to fit-in the lesson.

She’s also signed up for Girl Scouts (only one Friday a month), and I promised her last year she could take the afterschool cooking class (also on Wednesdays). For her to participate, I have to leave work 30 minutes early to get her. I piggybacked gymnastics for the same night, because I know I’ll be home early and we’ll have time to get ready for class. I am so relieved that the YMCA basketball league we signed her up for isn’t moving forward, because there aren’t enough kids. It would have been TOO much! Seriously…what were we thinking?

Right now, everything takes place on week nights, but I can move swim or gymnastics to the weekend if it becomes too stressful. I’m trying to take advantage of the early years with little to no homework and keep extracurriculars during the week, so our weekends are free. Free to sign-up Nick for something that is…

Welcome back to school!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Farewell to Foxy

While our Florida getaway was fantastic, we returned to sad news on the home front. Nick's fish, Foxy, swam off to the bluer sea of the beyond. And judging by the condition of the mortal remains, he met his maker about five minutes after we walked out the door last Saturday. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Foxy had been looking a little worse for the wear lately, so we had been preparing Nick  that he wouldn't be around much longer, but we weren't sure how he'd take the news. When we told him Foxy died, his first words were, "who's Foxy?" Mark and I couldn't help but laugh, which made him think we were kidding about the whole thing. But, when we explained that we were talking about his fish and that he really was dead, his little face dropped and his shoulders deflated. Mark picked him up in his arms and Nick raised his head stoically and said, "Take me to the office." We told him we'd already removed Foxy from the tank, but he needed to see it for himself. In the end, we let him see Foxy's body. He found it more interesting than disturbing and had lots of questions on why Foxy looked the way he did (but, thankfully, no questions about what happens after you die.)

He chose a spot to bury Foxy in the backyard, marked the grave with some sticks, and that was that. We told him he could get a new fish this weekend, but he hasn't mentioned it again, so we aren't either. Molly (Lainey's fish) better beware...with one fish out of the picture, I think Mark is mulling the easiest way to send Molly on her final swim...

R.I.P Foxy

Vacation All I Ever Wanted...

We recently returned to life as we know it after a four-day break to Indian Rocks Beach, Florida. I cannot overstate how much I had looked forward to this trip. My need to get away was not so much driven by my job, but more the need to escape of the daily grind and general scurry and hurry of life with kids. Mark and I made a promise not to rush anything on this trip and just be lazy. Aside from a schedules boat ride, we stuck to it and just let the days fall where they may. We threw out all rules around bedtimes and nutrition, too. The kids were super helpful in making me stick to this one...every time I wavered on handing over yet another treat, I would hear small, but firm voices saying, "You said 'no rules on vacation!'"--and the ice cream or the donut or the cookie would be promptly handed over.

We stayed at a condo building that only had four units, and we were fortunate to share the space with really great people. The unit above us was empty, so our space was really quiet. A retiree, who owned a unit, was staying next to us and she was a great source of info--and a grandmother, so loved having the kids around and didn't mind their enthusiasm (a.k.a. LOUDNESS). The fourth unit was occupied by really great family with an 8-year-old girl, Lulu, whom Lainey totally hit it off with. Their son, Sam, was 11, so Nick lost out on a playmate again. Womp. Womp.

We ran into some residual weather from Harvey, but luckily the really big storms hit during the night. And when it did rain during the day, we just kept swimming in the pool--the kids thought that was awesome! Truly, I think those kids would have stayed in the pool from sun up to sun down, if we'd let them. Two little fishies! Nick enjoyed playing in the sand, but wanted nothing to do with the ocean. One taste of salt water and "his whole day was spoiled!" Lainey didn't love her first introduction to salt water either, but she adjusted quickly and really took to the waves.
Swimming in the rain

As deep as he would go

King of the Sand

Catching waves

The one activity we ventured out for (other than eating) was a dolphin tour boat ride. We kind of struck out on the dolphin viewing (one played for a bit right as we headed out, but we didn't get a good view from our spot on the boat), but Lainey still had a lot of fun on the boat. Nick did not--he was a grumpy, grumpy boy.
Grumpy Gus and the gals

At least someone had fun...
As much as I would have loved to stay a few more days, I think we hit it exactly right on timing. Mark and Nick's skin had definitely had enough of the beach, delicate little flowers that they are, and Lainey's hair was turning to straw from the salt water and chlorine. I still took the full week off and used Thursday and Friday to knock out chores and various appointments for the kids, so we can head into Labor Day weekend with nothing to do, but chill and have fun. So long summer--you were fast and furious, but oh so fabulous!

Farewell Florida...until next time...