Monday, December 28, 2015

A Very Brandi Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Christmas week started off a little rocky when Lainey got hit with an intense case of the stomach flu. She was super sick Monday afternoon into Tuesday morning, but then was back to sunshine and smiles. I had a mild case of it on Wednesday, and Mark had the same as me on Christmas day. Nick so far has remained unscathed. Unfortunately, we brought the joy to the extended Brandi family and Mark's brother, Matt, got hit Saturday morning and Amelia that night.  I've been afraid to check in to see if anyone else has been struck down. Talk about the seasoning of giving!

We took the kids for photos with Santa on Christmas Eve morning. I think Santa checked-out a little early this season--he didn't say one word to the kids and barely smiled for the photo. In fact, out of the five they took, he was frowning in three and not looking at the camera in another. His lack of cheer wasn't lost on the kiddos. Lainey played along (at the bribe of an ice cream), but Nick was like, "who is this joker and why do I have to pretend he's Santa?" 

Gee, Santa. Way to bring the Christmas Spirit--No milk and cookies for you!

But, other than a little vomit, and a curmudgeonly Santa, all was merry and bright this Christmas! It's always nice to have time with family and everyone remained healthy for Frank's famous Christmas Eve dinner of homemade manicotti and brigole, served alongside Lonnie's breaded chicken. I live for this meal every year! The kids loved being with their cousins and the adults enjoyed them being old enough to play without constant supervision. Look at these two little angels below...

Christmas morning went by in a flurry of wrapping paper. Santa made good on Lainey's cupcake and cake request again this year, and the kids were good about sharing with everyone. Favorite gifts of the morning were a Barbie with her Unicorn for Lainey, and Hulk pajamas and fists for Nick. I thought for a minute we were going to have to take him to Christmas dinner at Rebecca's house in the PJs. Mark starting feeling the icks shortly after we opened presents, so spent much of the day in bed, but he did make it over to Rebecca's with the rest of us where we had a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and celebrated Amelia's 9th birthday and Oliver's 7th birthday.

Cupcakes for breakfast again...perhaps another tradition has been born.


And, just like that, it was Saturday and time to head back to Chicago. We have Christmas Round II this weekend with my family. Chris and Sean arrive on New Year's Eve, and Dad and Sharon come New Year's a newly married couple (they'll tie the knot on NYE)!!! So, there will be lots more celebrating to come this holiday season...

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Christmas Spirit

Despite hectic schedules and demanding work projects, Mark and I have really dug in and brought the Christmas spirit into our home like an explosion of tinsel and cinnamon sticks.

The house has been full of Christmas cheer with the kids on their best behavior and looking adorable in festive attire. Yesterday, I whipped up some charming cut-out gingerbread cookies, using beets, kale, and blueberries to make all-natural dyes for the decorative frosting. Today, we took a magical Metra ride downtown to take in the wonderment of Chicago at Christmas, then came home to cuddle and talk to the kids about the true meaning of Christmas. Mark and I are now enjoying a quiet evening on the couch with a bottle of Merlot, and I just confirmed the baby unicorn we ordered for Lainey will be weaned from her mother in time for Christmas morning.

OR...because of hectic schedules and demanding work projects (and brutal head colds), Mark and I have been pretty snippy and impatient with the kids and each other. Nick, the originator of the household colds, is still fighting through his, leaving Lainey primed and ready to come down with hers in about 48 hours. No one is sleeping well (three of us because of colds and one because she's Lainey), and we're all exhausted.

The picture below features Nick as of 6pm yesterday. He had been officially wearing his PJs for 24 hours and had gone nearly 72 hours without a bath. But, he is wearing Christmas-themed pajamas, so this is in the Christmas "win" column.

"Mom, are you evening trying any more?"

We did bake and decorate cookies yesterday, but the icing was tinted with straight up Red 40 and the sheen you see may be from Nick's nose (gross, but not far from the truth). Also, I may have done a poor job of rinsing out the bowl before I used it to whip the frosting; this may have created a slight aftertaste of dish soap. Let's just say no one is buying these at the bake sale. But, we had fun, and no one yelled or cried, so another win for the Brandi clan!

Wish I could say they taste better than they look

And today we did take the train downtown to check out the Macy's windows and watch the ice skaters at Millennium Park, which the kids thoroughly enjoyed. The weather was great, the streets amazingly uncrowded, and everything went smoothly. Pretty awesome day! Until we returned home and Lainey threw an epic tantrum prompting me to name her "Best Day Ruiner Ever," and for her to dub me "Meanest Mom Ever," before slamming her bedroom door on me. (Shout out to Maggie--it's not just an "only child" thing.) Despite the at-home antics, I think this trip has officially become our first family holiday tradition. So, again, winning at Christmas!

Enjoying the Macy's windows...light crowds,
so I didn't have to toss an elbow to get them up front

After Lainey calmed down, I went in to read her a story before nap and she greeted me with, "Mom, who's God?" My smooth reply, "Uh...well...hmmm...Mark?!"  (More to come on this later.) I choose not to rate this moment.

Finally, the kids are snug as bugs in their rooms right now, but instead of Merlot on the couch, Mark and I are fighting for the last dose of NyQuil and heading straight to bed. Fa la la la la!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Wishes

'Tis the time of year to write letters to Santa. This year was Nick's first time "writing" a letter and he did not disappoint on the amusement front, as you'll see below. The only prompt he had was "tell Santa want you want" and "anything else?" after each response. He actually gave a great deal of thought to each item on the list with his little chin propped on his hand and his finger tapping the side of his mouth (how do kids understand this as the international sign for thinking?) Anyway, Santa is going to have to give some thought of his own on how to fulfill this list under the tree...

Lainey's list doesn't provide as much comic relief as the last two years, but I am pleased to see she was thoughtful enough to include her brother on her list, giving him both top and bottom billing. And check-out that unicorn with the rainbow mane! I tried to probe for specifics under "toys," but she told me, "let's just see what he brings." I'm hoping this just means that she'll be happy with anything and not that she's already testing the "is Santa real" waters, by dreaming up a gift only Santa knows about. I have it on good authority that Santa does plan to fulfill the bake goods request, but will likely outsource it to the local grocery store.

Merry Christmas and may all your Christmas wishes come true!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

I'm Nick!

Way back in March, I asked Nick if he was a big boy or a baby, he simply stated, “I’m Nick,” which I thought was the best answer ever. Fast forward to today and Nick is still steadfast in his declaration of self. No matter what you might call him, he’ll quickly correct you—“No, I’m Nick.” If I call him a pet name or even comment on his appearance, like “you’re so handsome or you’re so messy,” he’ll say, “No, I’m not. I’m Nick. I’m just Nick.” Over Thanksgiving he took it up a notch and now will insist that he’s also made of Nick. I’m not really how the original conversation started, but if you ask him what his foot, belly, etc., are made of he’ll tell you they’re “made of Nick.” (This irritates Lainey to no end. She will roll her eyes, huff, and say, “no they’re NOT! They’re made of skin, blood, and bones!”)

What Lainey finds annoying, I find endearing. This boy knows he is Nick—through and through. I think about how, as he grows up, people will try to stick all kinds of tags and labels on him and how wonderful it will be if he can keep the absolute assurance that, in the end, no matter what anyone says, he is Nick.

But, my sweet boy, I do have to correct you on one thing…you are anything, but “just.”

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ohio Thanksgiving

Two Turkeys
We had a very happy Ohio Thanksgiving last week! Easy drives, great weather, delicious food, and lots of loved ones. The only snag was a vomiting Lainey Wednesday night, but she woke up bright and chipper on Thursday. And thanks to some bad behavior on her part, I had banished her from the air mattress she was supposed to be sharing with Nick, so she tossed her pizza all over our bed instead. Not a fun clean up, but better to clean our comforter than to clean up Nick.

The weather was gorgeous on Thursday, so Mark, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Sean whisked the kids off to the park to run off some energy before our afternoon feast. Chris also made our entire meal, so he really crammed it in that morning. Thanks again for the awesome food, big brother!
After we ate, Mark and Sean took the kids back outside. Sean indulged Miss Elaine with many rounds of tag and hide-and-go seek. I, on the other hand, lingered inside sitting, talking, sipping wine, and being completely lazy—well, I guess I did do most of the dishes. But, no running. Definitely no running. You would have thought that with no naps and all the outdoor play, they kids would have crashed early Thursday night, but alas, they fought sleep until the bitter end. Must have been the excitement of Grandpa’s house!

Friday morning we were able to sneak in a visit with my old roomie, Ashley, and her family, which was a rare treat, but very much enjoyed. We hadn’t seen each other for over two years (she’d never met Nick), but we have one of those relationships where we can pick right up as if we just had coffee last week. That night Mark and I left the kids with Dad, Sharon, and their uncles and enjoyed an adult dinner with my besties Meredith and Katie and their husbands. Seeing those ladies always does my heart good!

When we got home from dinner the kids were still up and raced to the door to tell us that they were getting ice cream! And ice cream they got—bowls as big as their heads. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nick so happy in his entire short life. It was pretty adorable.

Then before we knew it, Saturday morning arrived, and it was time to pack up and go home. The time always goes so fast on these trips! Luckily we don’t have to wait long until we see everyone again—Dad, Sharon, Chris, and Sean will all be in Chicago for New Year’s. Can’t wait!