Friday, July 29, 2016

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Our fiery girl like her food the same way. Tonight she joined dad in loading her pizza with crushed chili peppers then said, "it's not even spicy." Mark's breaking out the Tabasco for her scrambled eggs tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

8 Years Strong!

Just two crazy kids in love...
Mark and I celebrate our eight-year anniversary today. Well...not much celebrating today, given work and Lainey's ballet class, but with the help of Lonnie and Frank, we did sneak away Saturday to enjoy the Pitchfork Music Festival and a kid-free night downtown at the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel. It was a short break away, but perfect in every way.

The weather couldn't have been any better. The music was just okay. I was really pumped to see Brian Wilson, but the sound was not good during the set. I didn't see any complaints in the reviews, so perhaps it was just where we were in the field. Sufjan Stevens was the headliner, but he was lackluster as well. Mark and I just aren't fans of his Age of Adz album and he mostly played from that. We ended up ditching out before the end. But, on the bright side, because we skipped out a little early, we were able to hop right on the Green Line without waiting and get back to the hotel in time to hit up Shake Shack for some late night grub. Soooo yum!!! I'd love to say we played like the cool kids and hit up Cindy's on the rooftop afterward, but we didn't. We just enjoyed having a quiet room to ourselves. That's what makes us good together...we like comfort and relaxation over being trendy and hip.

We ended our little stay-cation with brunch at The Publican. Good coffee, spicy Blood Mary's (with beer backs), and delicious entrees. All without cutting up someone else's food, taking someone to the bathroom, or whisper-shouting, "Stop that!"

Beverage Spread
It was only 20 hours, but it was just the recharge we needed. Thanks to Lonnie and Frank for making it happen! And a very Happy Anniversary to the love of my life. You're good people, Mark Brandi! I'm glad your mine!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Fourth of July...A Week Later

Continuing my recent trend of posting a full week after events take place, I'm finally getting around to our very busy, very happy 4th of July weekend in the QC. Hoping to turn that trend around as I have FINALLY watched all five seasons of Scandal and now have to wait patiently for the fall debut to get my Olive Pope fix.

Our weekend in Moline was fantastic! We missed the “Other Brandis,” who were on a fabulous summer trip, but still had a ton of fun. Tim and Rebecca hosted us out on the boat on Saturday. The temperature was cool, but that didn’t stop Lainey from swimming almost non-stop. Nick took a few dips in the water and enjoyed tooling around in the kayak, but he was mostly into sand play. And then this happened…

He was shocked, but fine—and, yes, we’ve watched that video about 1,000 times. Sadly, my first thought when he face-plowed through the sand was not necessarily for his overall well-being, but rather “not the face!,” because we our good friend Josh Ford was lined up for a family photo shoot the next morning. Luckily the sand was very soft, so it just moved right along with Nick’s face—no marks! What the video leaves out is Mark’s warnings that this was not going to end well, while the rest of us encouraged him to the top. In fairness, I did call out for him to turn around half-way up (but, then said—eh, let him try it!)

Happier times on the kayak
Saturday night we did the final celebration of Lainey’s birthday—this time with a Hello, Kitty cake. After cake and presents, Grandpa dazzled the crew with some fireworks and sparklers. Nick was not so keen on the noise, so Uncle Tim hooked him up with some ear protectors. The picture does not do justice to how adorable he was.

Sunday we did our photos with Josh. The weather was perfect and the kids cooperated very well, so it was a quick and painless process. Lainey even asked if she could take pictures with Josh forever! (Check out a little of his magic at the very bottom of this post!) That night it was off to the fireworks. Another very cool evening, but we didn’t mind—no bugs! The kids loved all the fun glow necklaces and bracelets that Grandma brought (and all the gummy worms and butterflies that Grandpa brought.) Everyone enjoyed the show and Nick didn’t even ask to wear his ear protectors until the finale.

A fun weekend that, as always, went too fast! And now we prepare to tackle the rest of our very busy summer…we are officially booked every Saturday until September 17!!! YIKES!!! So, perhaps even with my hiatus from Scandal, I’ll still be modeling this blog after John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Five and Fabulous

Well, that was a fast week! Whoosh! But, it was a good one. My family made it to Chicago to celebrate Lainey and her amazing five years--and thank goodness all four came, because we hosted a drop-off party for nine of Lainey's preschool friends. Mark and I never would have survived alone!

It may have been chaotic, but the party was a big success! It was a beautiful day, the bouncy house was a hit, and no one got a concussion while whacking the piƱata. (There were a few close calls though.) Lainey loved her Lion King cake, but refused to let us sing to her. Other than that moment, she was totally in her element being the center of attention. I thought she did a very nice job of making sure our two little neighbor girls got introduced to everyone from school and felt included. Such a big girl!

After her party, we presented her with her present from us...for the FOURTH year in a row, Lainey got a new set of wheels! She was soooo excited!  Now we just need to squeeze in time to let her practice riding it and get those training wheels off! 

                           Hit it, girl!

             Flanked by her besties

          She'll be two-wheelin any day

On Sunday, we finished off Dad's birthday bucket list with a brunch cruise on Lake Michigan. The weather wasn't looking too promising, but we ended up with sun and the perfect breeze. (Until we got off and it was ridiculously hot and humid.) The kids had fun and even got to visit the Captain's room. Check out Captain Lainey below!

After the cruise, Lainey got to be showered in gifts AGAIN by her grandparents and uncles and we treated everyone to some Smoque BBQ--which was really a treat for me, because a) it's awesome b)  I didn't have to cook--win-win! 

We had to say goodbye to everyone Sunday night and early Monday morning (Lainey's actual birthday) and that made the birthday girl pretty sad, but she bounced back when presented with her birthday crown at school. We kept things pretty simple that night. I made up a scavenger hunt with rhyming clues leading to two small Zootopia dolls (I mean she has to have something on her actual birthday, right?), and stuck some candles in a leftover piece birthday cake. She permitted singing that time. 

And that was a wrap on celebrating Lainey's first five years--until tomorrow that is, when we celebrate with the Brandi crew; we're in the car right now being asked every two minutes if we're there yet. No, Elaine. No, we are NOT almost there yet. You'll be the first person we tell--I promise!

Happy Birthday anyway, my little love!