Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nine Months!

Laineybug turned nine months old yesterday! Today, we headed to the doctor for her check-up. Lainey is still topping the charts in weight (20 lbs. 15 oz./90th percentile) and height (29.25 inches/95th percentile) and her head is officially off the charts at a whopping 47 cm.

Evidently the head growth could be cause for concern if it doesn't level out over the next few months. If she has much more growth, we'll be sent to a neurosurgeon for a consult. Now this is where I question the sense it made for the doctor to tell me this, because there is absolutely nothing to be done about it until her next check-up, which is THREE MONTHS away. You don't just casually drop the word "neurosurgeon" to a parent (or really anyone). Our doctor, while I really like her, has a tendency to think out loud while working through a diagnosis and treatment plan. I just wish she's kept this little nugget in her head. She's seven months pregnant right now, so I'll chalk it up to pregnancy brain.

I'm really not overly concerned, however. I had a big head. Mark had a big head. And she's a pretty big girl all around. I'm pretty sure she's just a genius and needs a little extra room for that big beautiful brain!

Feel free to enjoy many pictures of Lainey's large head in her nine-month album: Elaine's Ninth Month.

She needs a big head to balance out those cheeks!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Heart You, Liz Gumbinner!

I bought my first Parents magazine at the airport for my trip to Florida. Best $3.99 I ever spent! The issue had a feature on the best parenting blogs. I decided to check-out a few and fell instantly and insanely in love with written by Liz Gumbinner. I desperately want to invite her over for coffee (too bad she lives in New York) and talk, talk, talk about anything and everything. She's funny and honest and I find her posts making me feel a lot less alone and a lot more validated.

Her posts on working moms are especially meaningful to me right now at a time when I doubt my ability to be a good mom, wife, friend and employee. One that really hit home was "Grass: Greener." that plays out a kind of face-off of thoughts between a working mom and a stay-at-home mom. It's not that she gave me any groundbreaking insight into the trials and tribulations or the joys and celebrations that come with each lifestyle, but it was a reminder that there is no perfect situation...except maybe to be extremely wealthy, so you can stay at home, but afford daycare a few times a week to pursue interests or pampering (or, hell, just five minutes of quiet "me" time) outside the home. I don't see this situation applying to my life anytime soon, but I do have a lottery ticket purchased for tonight's drawing. (A girl can still hope!)

All I know is Mark and I are doing what is best for our family at this point in time. Some days it feels great and some days it feels shitty. I just need to keep focusing on the great and remember the next time I'm eating a peaceful lunch at my desk, poring over online pictures of Lainey and pining to have her in my arms, another mother is facing her screaming child and cleaning purreed squash off her arms and wishing she were in my shoes.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Me and My Shadow

Remember when I found it adorable that Lainey wouldn't be separated from me on Sunday? Well, the behavior seems to be sticking and it's a little less endearing when I'm trying to juggle the weeknight load. It's hard to get her dinner ready or run her bath when she's attached to my ankles.  Plus, Mark had to travel to Kansas City, so I was solo two nights in a row. There was a lot of screaming and crying from Lainey and lots of deep breathes and red wine for me.

It wouldn't be so bad, if she just wanted to be right next to me or even snuggle in my arms. BUT...she wants to be on me while simultaneously having access to all her toys on the floor. So, I end up with her whining to get into my arms and then when she gets there, whining and wriggling to reach her toys. I put her back on the floor and she flips around and climbs back onto me. I pick her up and she flips back the other way again and wants to be on the floor. There is no winning!

Luckily, she's only like this in the evening. She rarely fusses or whines in the morning and is usually happy to have some independence, especially if she can make a break for something she's not supposed to have or someplace she's not supposed to be--usually the TV stand and more specifically the DVD player. (Babyproofing it priority #1 on the weekend "to do" list.")

I know I need to try and enjoy her clinginess, because the day will come all too fast when she won't want to be anywhere near me. Plus, having her so close gives me open access to kiss all her wonderful chubbiness! There's nothing that beats that!

Best buddies!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wedding Weekend

My trip to Florida was quick, but so much fun! The weather was perfect (although it was even better in Chicago, I hear), the wedding was beautiful, and the reception was a blast! I realize that as our wedding invites start to dwindle, what I'll miss most about summer weddings is the dancing. I love a good dance party and I made the most of this one!

Of course, amidst all my fun, I really missed my best girl. I was only gone a little over 48 hours and we Skyped three times. Mark also dutifully sent several pictures my way throughout the weekend. But, I still found myself running like a crazy woman from the blue line stop to the condo on Sunday. My suitcase was practically airborne behind me. Lainey did not disappoint with her greeting. As soon as she saw me walk through the door, her face burst into a smile and she made a beeline on her little hands and knees right into my arms. About 10 minutes later, I tried to walk away to get a glass of water. I took one step and a chubby little hand shot out and grabbed my jean leg to pull me back. Mark was kind enough to bring the water to me, so I could stay glued right next to the peanut. It was the best homecoming ever!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Florida, Here I Come!!!

My dear friend Matt is getting married this Saturday in Fort Lauderdale. And I'm going to be there! I have a new dress, a new "mom" swimsuit (i.e., a one piece), and a party-til-I-drop attitude! Of course, it's quite plausible that "til-I-drop" will be 11pm.

I've leaving my two great loves, Lainey and Mark, back in Chi-town to have their own party. Lainey has been quite the handful lately, so lucky for Mark reinforcements are making the trip over from Moline (aka Grandpa and Grandma Brandi).

As excited as I am to have a few days of fun all to myself, I know I'm going to miss the Laineybug like crazy (oh yeah...Mark too). I've already scheduled Skype dates...thank goodness I got an iphone!

Stayed tuned to hear how the party goes down (and to find out if I manage to stay awake past midnight)!

My "mom-suit"...pretty cute for a one-piece! 

Thanks Old Navy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Higher, Higher!!!

Spring made an appearance in Chicago this weekend, and we pounced on the opportunity to take Lainey to the park. We were super excited to put her in the swing. I had images of a giggly, happy baby swaying to and fro as the sunlight bounced off her blonde fuzz. What I got was a furrowed brow and a distant look of utter boredom.

That is until Mark took over the pushing duties. Evidently, daddy is more fun than mommy. Or more logically, (because CLEARLY I am the most fun ever) I was just too conservative with the pushing, while Mark had no problem grabbing onto her little ankles and letting her fly. Once she was allowed to catch a little more air, her face lit up and we got the photo and video ops we were hoping to capture!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fun with Daddy

Mark found a way to amuse Lainey while I was a my friend Kristen's baby shower today...

Friday, March 2, 2012


I think Elaine took her last bath in the baby tub last night. Our rapidly growing girl doesn't have much space anymore and I can't manuever around to get all her its and bits...girlfriend has more rolls than a bakery, so I need some wiggle room to get in all those glorious folds (my favorites are the creases on her thighs that seem to go as deep as her femur)! This picture is from a month ago and she's put on more poundage since then (note the cotton balls to try to keep ear infections at bay--no need for those anymore!) .

Of course, this situation is problematic, because we have  a deep jacuzzi-style tub that isn't exactly ideal for bathing baby. I hate this tub. When we bought the condo I was so excited and imagined lots of relaxing, candle lit bubble baths...until discovered that this type of bath doesn't drain well and is a giant pain to clean. We did just list the condo for sale again...maybe that right buyer is just waiting to pounce and this will be a short-lived problem!

In any case, good tub or bad, I'm a little misty-eyed that she's getting so big and has outgrown yet another item from her infancy. Everytime I have to pack away another round of clothes I tear up!

Rubber Ducky's getting a bigger pond to swim in!