Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

We had a most very, Merry Christmas this year! Christmas Eve was the first day of my 12 days of unemployment between Orbitz and Roti, so I was in a jolly mood and had fun making paper Christmas trees with the kids and getting them pumped up for Santa's big visit that night. Lainey chose to leave out mixed nuts and OJ for Santa's snack. Not sure why those were chosen, but we liked her creativity!

I loved, loved, loved that we had Christmas morning at the house. Nick woke at 5am, but Mark managed to keep him entertained in our room until 5:45am when the little guy could stand it no more and came in to wake Lainey and me (I was called into her room around 4am). Once Mark called that the coast was clear and Santa wasn't still there (aka the video camera was on and the coffee was brewing), we bounded downstairs to check out the bounty.

As requested, Santa brought a small cake and cupcakes for each of the kids, which we decided to go ahead and put out by the tree. As soon as Nick saw them, he shouted "cu-cake!! CU-CAKE!!!" and there would be no further interest in the presents until the cupcake had been devoured (which took him a surprisingly long time). The kids loved their gifts from Santa and us. For Nick, his train set and workbench were the big winners. For Lainey, she loved her new doll (now named Rosemary), Magna-Tiles and her piggy bank (score on that one--we weren't sure how she'd feel about it). Even though there was no snow to be had this Christmas, they kids still had fun playing in their sleds, pretending they were boats. They also fell madly in love with the Wild Kratts dolls left in their stockings--Chris for Lainey and Martin for Nick. Guess Santa didn't think they'd be such a hit and figured it wouldn't be a big deal to split the pair between them. Santa was wrong--there were quite a few tussles over the course of the day, because they both wanted Martin AND Chris. Santa did have one delivery snafu and the bed to go with Lainey's doll didn't arrive--and she remembered quite clearly that she had asked for a bed for her doll. Thank goodness Santa left a note explaining his elf had broken the gift and he would send it by mail. Such thoughtful (and smart), Santa!

Chris and Sean arrived in the afternoon and kept the kids entertained while I made dinner. We waited until Nick was down for the night to eat and stuck Lainey in front of a movie, so I could actually enjoy the meal I had prepared (a nice treat). Dad and Sharon arrived the afternoon of the 26th and Christmas #2 went down that night. Luckily, Mark and I didn't rush out and get the extra pair of Kratt dolls that morning, because they were well forgotten amid the avalanche of gifts brought by Chris, Sean, Dad and Sharon. Seriously, good thing I told them to "take it easy on the gifts" or we would need to buy a new house to fit everything! And Santa must have an in with the USPS, because he managed to get the "broken" bed delivered to go with the rest of the Christmas #2 stash.

My family stayed until Monday, so the kids got spoiled with attention (and I got spoiled with extra hands to keep them entertained). Lainey had a blast playing with all her toys with her uncles, especially her new Legos and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Nick had fun entertaining everyone and being adorable.

Today was back to life as usual (except I'm still not working, so enjoyed a day all to myself!!!), but we'll be gearing up for Christmas #3 this weekend when we visit Moline. Let's keep the joy going!!!

Cupcakes for breakfast!

Sled...boat...doesn't matter, he loved it! (His is green, but he wanted to be in Lainey's pink one)
No snow, but it was warm, so we got outside and ran off the cupcakes!

Happy family!


Monday, December 22, 2014

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (if you let it be)

MLast week I was in total Grinch mode. My “to do” list was too long, work was stressful, and the kids weren’t sleeping. I was over-stressed and over-tired and in a general “bah humbug” mood. So, I declared Saturday a “no chores, no errands day.” I just wanted us to spend time together as a family doing some fun, holiday activities. The temperatures weren’t too bad on Saturday, so we decided to take the kids downtown to see the tree in Daley Plaza and the Macy’s animated windows. To make the trip a little more special and adventurous we took the Metra instead of driving. Lainey loved it!

On the way to Daley Plaza, we looked at all the trees in the various building lobbies and Lainey would ask, “is this the big tree?” and we'd say, “this one is big, but we’ll see one even bigger!” Well, the official city tree was bigger, but it was pretty sparse and sad looking—tight budget, I guess. Not that the kids noticed anyway; they were more enamored with the street performers and the video of a fireplace on the side of Block 37. They did enjoy the Macy’s windows (and more street performers,) and they really liked being at Millennium Park watching the ice skaters and checking out the Bean.

Because we took the Metra, we were on a pretty tight time table, only two hours from when we arrived to when our return train departed, so we had to hustle back with no time to stop and eat lunch. Great news for Lainey and Nick, because it meant they got to have giant cookies on the ride home to tide them over. (I still managed to get some fruit and veggies down them once we got home.)The outing exhausted them and they both took three-hour naps—and I indulged in a long one, too. The no errands, no chores rule applied to the whole family for the whole day!

Mark did do one chore; he flipped Nick’s car seat to face forward. I know, I know, the new recommendation is age two, but he hates it and his legs are really too long to sit that way anymore. Plus, the new vantage was needed for our evening activity…Christmas lights! There is a neighborhood mere minutes from our house that really does it up at Christmas time. (For my local peeps, take a drive through Lincolnwood Towers with the kiddos for some easy, free holiday fun). After dinner we changed the kids into their jammies and headed out. Lainey was excited to be going out for a “night trip” and Nick was in awe of his new seating arrangement—I don’t think we even needed to see something special, he was just happy to face forward. He kept saying, “Wow! Cool!” and that was just checking out the plain, old streetlights on Caldwell. After our tour of Christmas lights, it was back home to watch “Prep & Landing: Naughty or Nice” before time bedtime.

After the kids went to sleep, Mark and I enjoyed some quiet time together. Our schedules have been mismatched all month, plus he’s been traveling for work, so it was nice to have a night home together.  We watched Home Alone (one of my favorites) and wrapped the kids’ gifts, deciding what Santa would bring and what would come from us. We’re pretty excited that we get to have Christmas morning in our house this year. I think I may have trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve from the anticipation!

I have to say, it was a pretty awesome day and put me firmly in the Christmas spirit. It’s so special to get some of the magic back through the kids’ excitement and wonderment at it all. It’s going to be a busy two weeks with guests and travel, but if I can just remember what is important and not sweat the small stuff (Ha!), it really should be the most wonderful time!
Check out those smiles!
(And Lainey's most unforgiving hat head)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

School Pictures are In!!! And they're fabulous, as only school pictures can be...

We didn't buy any prints, because they are never going up on our walls--can you imagine slapping one of these up beside one of Josh Ford's incredible images? But we still had to get the images for posterity's sake. I am happy to see that Lainey doesn't look like a wee troll this year--hers are actually very good. She looks particularly sassy in the one with the faux winter wonderland (why, oh why, do they insist on these fake nature backgrounds?).  Nick's aren't bad either, but he was having some allergy issues that day so his eyes and face are a littly puffy. Still looking handsome in his shawl neck sweater. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Santa Time!

During our trip to Moline, we nabbed our annual picture with Santa. We managed to get a forced grin from Lainey, but Nick looks completely bored. Mark and I commented that we'd almost prefer a really awful one with screaming and crying, because it makes for a good laugh later. But, since the process is so painless at the South Park Mall (no line and inexpensive), we really don't sweat the photo. It's more about the experience of visiting Santa.

Lainey refused to ask the big guy for anything at the time, but made up for the lost opportunity in her letter below. The only prompts I gave her were, "what would you like Santa to bring you," and "why should he bring you presents?" I was hoping for something more along the lines of "I've been good" for the latter, but I guess I don't want her to be a liar either. Her answer is better...

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mark to the Rescue

Although this happened almost a week ago on Sunday, I’m still going to post about it, because I’m still laughing (and still a little bewildered at Mark’s behavior). Before I get to the story, let me preface by saying, of the two of us, Mark is the level-headed, calm, rational one, where as I’m a little more hot-headed, excitable, and emotional. But, not this time.

This whole situation went down in less than two minutes. Nick and I walk in the door from his doctor’s appointment and find Lainey “helping” Mark decorate the tree. The moment we took our eyes of her to discuss Nick’s ear infection, Lainey stuck her finger in a glass ornament and got it stuck. I put Nick down and said, “let me get some oil.” Nick starts screaming, because he wants to be held, so Lainey starts screaming, because she wants all the attention. However, Mark interprets her screams as her finger is being amputated by the ornament. He starts yelling, “We have to break it off! We have to break it off!” and runs and grabs a hammer. I tell him to slow his roll and to let me try the oil first. He looks me IN THE EYE and AGREES to wait, but in the two seconds it takes me to get the oil from the pantry, he goes with his plan and breaks the ornament, leaving a jagged ring of glass still stuck on Lainey’s finger. The children’s screams escalate and Mark runs to the garage again. This time he returns with the jaws of life (okay, pliers, but what he thought he was going to do with those I have no idea), just as I pour a little oil over Lainey’s finger and VERY EASILY slide the ornament (or what was left of it) off. To be honest, it came off so easily, I’m not even sure the oil was needed—there wasn’t even an indentation in her skin.

So, there are shards of broken glass all over the kitchen table and Lainey is still crying, because now the ornament is broken. I look at Mark and say, “What the heck, man?” (I kept it clean for little ears, but he knows what I was really saying to him.) And then I start laughing, because he still has a wild-eyed look and I really cannot believe he just reacted like a deranged firefighter. My laughter starts the kids’ laughter. I tell Lainey she can come to Target with me and pick out a new ornament and order is restored to the house. 

But, you can bet I’m not letting Mark forget this anytime soon. Next time he tells me to “calm down” or “relax,” I’ll be reminding him of this little scene. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gobble, Gobble

A little delayed in getting to this post, but better late than never! We had a very Happy Thanksgiving, Quad Cities-style with lots of family, food, and fun!

Lainey adored spending time with her cousins and pretty much followed Amelia around like a shadow. She learned some new card games and did fairly well participating and following the rules. Amelia and Oliver were very patient with her. Nick and Eleanor didn’t seem particularly interested in each other at first, but came around by the end of the weekend, and I managed to snag a great picture of them together. Nick is not much taller than Eleanor, but I feel like his body is twice her size. It was funny to watch the differences in how they move. Eleanor is a dainty, agile girl who flits, and Nick is a brick of a boy, who lumbers. But, don't let her sweet voice and prancing fool you...Eleanor is a girl who is in charge! (I love it!)

Rebecca and Tim hosted the big feast for Thanksgiving (thank you, again!). The younger kids had a blast playing in the basement and being dragged around on bean bag chairs by Mark and Matthew. Luckily for them, Jacob and Ben stepped up to take over the heavy lifting (or dragging, I suppose) and give the old men a break. Such great big cousins! More fun was to be had on Friday with the whole crew together again at Frank and Lonnie’s for pizza, a dance party, and more games! Lainey was in heaven. When it was time to go on Saturday, Lainey cried, “but, I’m having so much fun at Grandma’s!” How did a long weekend go by so FAST?!!!

Nick usually sleeps like a log in Moline (because we room him in a pitch-black closet), but not so much this time. He was up at the wee hours most mornings, likely due to a brewing ear infection, which we didn’t get treated until Sunday. Lainey slept fairly well, however, and I got two mornings of cuddles in bed with her. We threw bedtimes out the window while we were there, and I thought both kids were going to be completely ruined, but they’ve gone right back to the old routine and have actually slept late every morning since we’ve been back.

I am thankful, thankful, thankful for my wonderful family, food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, and an endless supply of love!

Bean Bag Shenanigans
I just love this picture!

The Brandi Siblings