Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Rise of the Dead (Blogger)

This blog is not dead; it was just in hibernation. But, what better night to rouse it from slumber than Halloween! I'll tell you, October sprang up out of nowhere and then ghosted right into November. We have been super busy with activities, work, and hosting loved ones in Chicago. Thank you Kammlers, Andersons, and O'Neill for traveling to us and bringing lots of love and laughter with you.

The Halloween candy haul has been an overwhelming success with the kids raking it in at Boo at the Zoo on Saturday, parties at school and the YMCA, and of course, good old-fashioned trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. We must have 25 pounds of the stuff...I don't think I'm exaggerating.

I'd love to write more, but I'm exhausted. But, I refuse to let this blog fade away into the good night. Posts may be sporadic and sparse until I can get my mojo back, but write on I will! In the meantime, thank heaven for photos to tell the story. I know that's what you really want to see anyway!

Happy Halloween!

Our little Dalmation and ninja!
Add one Mom Avocado! (Nick's ORIGINAL costume...and a story for another post)
Expertly carved pumpkins by Mark 
Boo at the Zoo
Uncle time!
More uncle time!
(I'm embarrassed that this is the ONLY photo I got of the Kammler visit.
It's still a good memory capture--cards with Lainey and a back massage from Nick)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Who stole September?

Seriously, folks. September stuck around for a hot minute before October hit me in the face. I feel like I JUST wrote about the kids first week of school a few days ago, but the calendar says otherwise. While, we've been busy getting into the school year and activity routine--ballet for Lainey, karate for Nick, and swimming for both--nothing too noteworthy has been going down around here. Pretty much keeping the status quo other except for one, small and yet HUGE change to the house. After five years (yes, we've been here FIVE years!), we finally made the yellow house a little less yellow with newly painted shutters, trim, and garage. We love it! Mark gets all the credit for picking out the color scheme. It's really given the house a whole new personality. Check it out!


...and after!