Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Nick says... Installment 3

Ugh. Could anyone else use a little pick-me-up right now? If so, I have the little dude to help your blues. Without further ado, I bring you this installment of "Nick says..."

Full of self-confidence--even for his average attributes..
"There’s no one in the world like me. I’m the fastest. Strongest. Best escaper. Best finder of things. (Long pause.) And my hair is brown."

He's got it figured out...

"It’s good to be younger. You get away with more stuff."

Lessons from Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree...

“Daddy, the tree’s making bad choices.”

One of these things is not like the other...

"When I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist, zookeeper, veterinarian, and a hunter."

On our future relationship...
Me: "When you grow up, will you still spend time with me?"
Nick: "I don't know, Mom. I'm gonna be pretty busy. I'm gonna have a lot of jobs. I'll see what I can fit in."

Why use the imperial or metric system, when you can use forest animals? 
Mark: "How big is it?" 

Nick: "You know. About the size of a possum."

He continues with his foreign language development...
"Mommy, I know a French word, 'zwooay'. That means 'get out' in Spanish." 

He know Spanish songs, too...and perhaps could benefit from a Sunday school class or two.
Nick: "Daddy, I know all of the Spanish songs. Muffin man is really a Spanish song. Muffin man is really muffin dog." (He sings the song, but says “Gormy Lane” instead of “Bakery Lane”). "Daddy, is 'gormy' a Spanish word?"

Mark: "Do you mean gourmet?"

Nick: "No. Gormy. Gormy Lane is where Jesus lives."

A little inappropriate, but I'm so damn proud he used the word correctly (guess which one I'm referring to)...
Singing in the swim school changing room..."I'm playing with my dinker, my dinker, my dinker."

Disapproving look from me. "What? I didn't say 'literally.' I'm not literally playing with my dinker."

Hope you got a chuckle or two out of those... this kid. He's magic!
Photo: Joshua Ford, Ford Photography

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Bye, bye front teeth! But, sorry Tooth Fairy, guess you'll have to hang out with Easter Bunny, because she's not buying your story either. However, she did backpedal on her disbelief. We assume she thinks if we know she doesn't believe, she won't get her cash. In reality, I'd be more than happy to hand over her dollar directly versus remembering to sneak into her room and put it under her pillow. 

When she lost the first one last week, she put it in a little tooth case to bring it home from school. Then for some reason, she took it out and put it on the kitchen table among a pile of peanut shells she'd discarded, and THEN allowed me to swipe up the discarded shells and wipe down the table, NEVER mentioning her tooth was there somewhere. Then bedtime rolled around she's all, "where's my tooth?" I was sorting through the trash trying to find it when I remembered she'd all but admitted she knew the Tooth Fairy wasn't real. So, I flat out asked, "do we really need the tooth under the pillow? I promise the Tooth Fairy will bring your dollar anyway." And just like that, problem solved. She was happy. I was happy.

Now we're just enjoying her adorableness!