Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Long and Lean!

Lainey had her two-month check up yesterday. Her new stats are 11 lb.s, 3 oz. and 23.5 inches. Compared to her baby cronies, her weight is right in the middle at 50%, but her length still tops the charts at around 95% and her head is at 98% (because she's a genius!).

She also had her first round of vaccinations. Fortunately, her side effect was to be very, very sleepy. She took a three-hour nap after the appointment. She was a little whiney when she woke up, but all she wanted was to be cuddled by mom--and I was more than happy to oblige!

Happy and healthy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Look alike contest...

Depending on the day, camera angle and her expression, Lainey is starting to look like Mark...or maybe like me...or maybe she just looks like Elaine! You be the judge!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Elaine Rocks Out!

Mark took Elaine to her first rock concert yesterday afternoon...sort of. It was a free concert in our 'hood and was supposed to start at 4pm, but the opening act didn't even go on until 6pm. By that time, Elaine had had enough fun and was ready to be back home. Guess she isn't quite ready to party like a rock star. But, at least they got some fresh air and fun father-daughter time.

Evidently, the fun stopped once back at home. It seems Lainey found the whole experience a little overstimulating and completely freaked out on Mark. BUT...once he fed and calmed her, she slept for over five hours again! (I supposed I'd rather get her there without completely stressing out her little system, however.)

My dad's the coolest!

Kicking up her legs!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Elaine slept over five hours straight two nights in a row! Unfortunately, last night she lapsed back into her every-three-hours routine, so I'm hoping those longer stretches weren't just a fluke.

She's been better about sleeping during the day, however, apparently her crib is made of hot coals from 8am to 8pm. She can be dead asleep in my arms, but the moment her head hits the mattress, she lets out a shrill scream. So, most of her napping has been in my arms or occasionally she'll still sleep in the bouncy seat. But, I've decided to go with it, because in less than four weeks, I have to go back to work and won't be able to hold her all day. The condo is considerably less tidy at this point, but I'm getting lots of snuggle time with my girl!

Here is a link to her most recent picture album: Elaine: Weeks 7 and 8

Taking a nap in our bed

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goodbye Angel, Hello devil!

Okay, I'm being a little dramatic. She's far from the devil, but this past week has been a little on the hellish side. Lainey has decided that sleeping during the day is just not her thing. However, she still REALLY needs to sleep, so the end result is a very tired, very agitated, very LOUD baby (and a very tired, very agitated, very STRESSED mom). Toward the end of the week, she started looking a little like Robert Downey, Jr. during his strung out days--not a good look for an infant. Thankfully, she's still sleeping well at night, so I'll be grateful for that!

When I do get her to sleep and she wakes up rested, she's giggly and playful, and we have a lot of fun. She loves the hippo that hangs on her playmat, the elephants over her pack 'n play, and the butterfly mobile in her room. However, even with these new found favorites, she still retains her fondness for her best friend, the ceiling fan.

Here she is flirting with the hippo! I think she likes the polka dots on his belly.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Smile a Little Smile for Me

Lainey has started really smiling--not just gas! She really enjoys her mobile, ceiling fans, and looking at herself in the baby mirror in the car...I guess she does take after her mother!

I caught a few seconds of her new grin in a video, but can't seem to get it to upload. However, you can check it out and few others online in her Week 6 photo album:

My Little Social Butterfly

We have been on the move this week! The temperature dropped from the high 90s, and I'm finally getting my "mommy legs" under me. Elaine and I met my friend Becky and her daughter Lucy for lunch on Tuesday, took a long walk to the Walgreens and the library on Thursday, and had friends over TWICE on Saturday. The O'Grady family stopped by before Mark and Jason headed off to the Cubs game, and Maggie and Molly stayed to hang out for a bit with Lainey and me. Then my friend Terri came by that night (with a DELICIOUS dinner prepared for us!) to meet our girl for the first time.

Today, Mark and I took her to her first street festival "Retro on Roscoe." Check out Lainey and and her dad in their matching outfits. (Although Mark won't been seen with me if we're just wearing the same color shirt--I guess exceptions are made for his daughter.)

Proud Papa with his girl

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Road Trips, Weight Gain and One Big Head!

It's been a busy few weeks for us (hence the lack of any posts). We traveled to Ohio the weekend of July 22, so Elaine could finally meet her Grandpa and Grandma Anderson and her Uncle Chris (and lots of other new friends)! This past weekend we hit the QC, so Elaine could meet her other aunts and uncles and her cousins. She was a big hit in both cities and got lots and lots of attention and cuddle time. Of course, now that she had a taste of the good life, she wants to be held constantly and finds it insulting when we try to place her in her crib.

In between all of the fun travel, she had her one-month check-up and weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds, 10 ounces and measured an impressive 22 inches, putting her in the 75% for both weight and height. Her head is topping the charts at the 95%...oh, little bobble-head Lainey.

The whole family!

Elaine and her cousins, Amelia, Oliver, Ben and Jacob

Check out pictures from weeks 4 and 5: