Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Elaine slept over five hours straight two nights in a row! Unfortunately, last night she lapsed back into her every-three-hours routine, so I'm hoping those longer stretches weren't just a fluke.

She's been better about sleeping during the day, however, apparently her crib is made of hot coals from 8am to 8pm. She can be dead asleep in my arms, but the moment her head hits the mattress, she lets out a shrill scream. So, most of her napping has been in my arms or occasionally she'll still sleep in the bouncy seat. But, I've decided to go with it, because in less than four weeks, I have to go back to work and won't be able to hold her all day. The condo is considerably less tidy at this point, but I'm getting lots of snuggle time with my girl!

Here is a link to her most recent picture album: Elaine: Weeks 7 and 8

Taking a nap in our bed

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