Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Bagina Monologues

Mark and I made the decision to use the correct terms for teaching the kids anatomy. An arm is an arm, and a vagina is a vagina.

Lately it seems that we are getting constant information about Lainey's "bagina." But, she does tend to keep her vagina status updates around bathroom visits or bathtime. It's not like we're in the middle of lunch and she just busts out with "the other day, my bagina...," so at least she keeps it topical. The day is coming though, when she decides to wax poetic about her nether region at the most inopportune time. Well, I guess that will just make for another blog post!

Dr. Lainey says, "there's nothing funny about the word 'bagina.' Grow up people."

Friday, February 20, 2015

These Two...

Lainey and Nick are melting me to a puddle these with their love for each other. They are full of hugs, kisses, and giggles these days. Tonight, when  I got to daycare, I could see them through the window hugging each other and laughing with their foreheads mashed together. So sweet!

Lainey calls Nick her "Lil Puppy," and he follows her around like one. If Nick wakes up before Lainey, he asks for her constantly and it's all I can do to keep him from climbing the stairs and charging into her room. The first hugs of the morning go to each other and there is usually the exchange of "I love you, Buddy;" "Love you, Lay-NEE," which just sends me to the moon. Sometimes Lainey is the only one who can comfort Nick. He was pouting about something the other night and wouldn't let me touch him, but Lainey came over, put her arm around him, and said, "It's okay. I'm here now." He leaned right against her and let her stroke his cheek for awhile. Then, just like that, everything was fine again. 

I'm not saying there isn't discord, they squabble and push as much as they giggle and hug. They're still siblings, after all. But, even that stuff makes me smile. It's funny how Lainey is truly turning into a big sister and is very directive and authoritative with Nick. She is constantly telling him what to do, and he'll follow pretty blindly. But, if she messes with his fun, he'll tell her "no" and hold his ground. The below is a common interaction these days:

Lainey snatches a toy from Nick
N: "NO! Big trouble, Lay-NEE. Time out." Points to chair.
E: "You're not the boss of me, Nick!"  

Even though they're fighting, this kind of stuff still slays me, it's so freaking adorable! (Well, really just Nick, scolding Lainey. Too cute.)

Who knows how their relationship will evolve over the years. I know plenty of adult siblings who can't stand each other. But, I hope--I really, really hope--that these two keep growing together and not apart.

The Inseparable Duo

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Frozen on Ice

After buying the tickets six months ago, Saturday was finally the day for Frozen on Ice. It. Was. Awesome. Not the show exactly--yes it was fun and cute, yada yada yada--but the experience with Lainey. Loved, loved, loved it!

We waited until last Wednesday to tell Lainey about the show, and I'm glad we did, because it was all she could talk about. That morning she kept telling Nick over and over how he was going to stay home with Grace (the babysitter) and she was going to go with Mommy and Daddy to see Elsa and Anna ice skate.

When we got there, just as promised, we bought her pepperoni pizza for lunch and then a bag of cotton candy to take to our seats. Truly, I don't know if she was more excited for the show or the cotton candy, which she somehow already knew existed--evidently a daycare friend recently had the sweet stuff and it was the talk of the lunch table at school. No surprise, she loved it (and I did too, I don't know when I had cotton candy last).

So, we were already having a blast, but then the show started. It kicked off with some regular joe-schmos to get the crowd excited and moving. We stood up and did the "snowman dance" and Lainey thought that was pretty fun. But, then Mickey and Minnie Mouse came out and Lainey's face froze in pure joy and she started waving to them. Then all the Disney princesses started coming out  with their princes. By the time Cinderella appeared, I though she was going to wet herself from the excitement. Then the real show started and Lainey stayed rapt from beginning to end, singing the songs and waving to the characters. I probably only saw about 20 minutes of the show, because I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I even got a little misty-eyed at one point, because I started thinking about how fast time is going by and how she is a little girl and not a baby anymore. Sniff.

So, it was a pretty great outing. The icing on the cake was Grace couldn't get Nick to take a nap, so he was still up when we got home. That meant we put both kids down at the same time and still got a little time for ourselves that afternoon. I spent most of that time looking back at the pictures and smiling...check them out for yourself!

Lounging with her Pizza

Sitting with Daddy and anxious for the show to start
Cotton candy time!
I think Rapunzel had just hit the ice!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

When I Grow Up

This past week's theme in Lainey's daycare class was careers. Today she dropped her aspirations on us. She wants to:

Drive a train
Be an artist
Paint doors
Own a store

We have no idea where "paint doors" comes from, but it's definitely on the list. Looking forward to seeing how these evolve over the years. I won't lie, I wouldn't hate hearing doctor, lawyer, or investment banker in the mix. But, the important thing is she's happy, right? Dream big, Lianey!