Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Seven Months (and 8 days)

Oh my beautiful boy, Nicholas! Sorry, but I fear I will perpetually lag on your monthly updates. But, better late than never.

Nick (aka Nickles, per Lainey's new nickname for him) is a grand 'ole 7 months! And other than some crankiness and sleeplessness around the onset of his ear infection, he continues to be a dream baby--Dr. Freeman actually wrote it in his chart at the doctor's office.

He's sitting up like a pro now and is oh-so-close to crawling. He's chowing on solids has stopped being so lazy about holding his bottle. He's got a mean grasp and will grab onto anything that gets within reach...time to start the baby proofing again.

He's really into the TV...which is not something I'm particularly proud of, but whatcha' gonna' do? We were really good about keeping Elaine off the tube until closer to 2, but we being a bit more lax with Nick. It's either deprive Lainey of her beloved Nemo (thus inflicting a lot of pain on ourselves) or keep Nick in another room while she gets her fix of the little orange fish. I've tried just turning him away from the TV to play with him, but he just cranes his head over his shoulder or works himself back around to watch. Eh, pick your battles, right? I'm pretty sure my parents put absolutely no restrictions on my TV viewing and I've managed to become a productive, well-adjusted person.

Lainey continues to be his favorite person. She could be smacking him in the face, and he'd just give her his huge, goofy grin. Mommy is in second place, and Daddy comes in third--even Mark will admit to this. And I don't feel even slightly bad about pointing it out, because Elaine was ALL Daddy's girl (and still is). It's nice to have Nick favor me a bit more.

He is growing SO FAST!!! I just bought a bunch of 9-month clothes and he's just fitting into them. When I bought them, they looked HUGE, but now I'm afraid he's going to outgrow them within a month. Slow down little guy...stop growing up so quickly! I need more time!!!

Oh, this him, love him, love him!!!

My Little Man
And a little live action clip...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Return of the Antibiotic

Well, we had a good run. Nick made it to 7 months without a sick appointment at the doctor. And the diagnosis ear infection. I almost started crying in the doctor's office. Let's hope this is just a one-off and not the beginning of a chronic problem or the end of my dream boy's dream sleep habits (last night was painful for us both). 

Oh, my little Nick!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Remember When Sick Days Were Fun?

Remember when, as a kid, you had a sick day from school? You got to stay home, watch as much TV as you wanted, and pretty much got waited on hand and foot. Sure, you didn't feel the best, but non-stop Nickelodeon and Popsicles for breakfast wasn't a bad trade. Unless, you were the parent who was doing the nursing and frantically trying to re-juggle your day.

And that is the perspective I relate to these days. Daycare called yesterday at 4pm with the news that Nick had a fever. Of course, yesterday and today are two days I cannot miss at work, because the Board of Directors' meeting is taking place (I'm currently on the 5:50am train to work after being there until 8pm last night). So, once again Mark has to throw his schedule out the window and stay home. Luckily, he has no meetings today. 

I always miss my mom, but on days like these I really wish I could talk to her, if for nothing else than to say, "I get it." I can remember hearing the tension in her voice when I would call her to come get me from school, because I was sick. And I remember thinking, "how can you be mad at me for being sick?" Well, she wasn't. She was probably freaking out about dropping everything at work. And in those days, she couldn't even do a quick alert to people via email or keep up on the basics of the day via remote access (the debate on whether our current access to technological connection is a good or bad thing is for another post). 

Aside from the logistics of getting everything covered, there is the emotional toll of not being able to be with your sick little one. It kills me that I can't stay home and cuddle Nick today. Or that when Elaine was so sick about a month ago, I was in an even more intense work situation and had to be MIA. And so, the debate of "to work or not to work" rages anew in my head this morning. 

At least Lainey is home to help Mark. He just sent me the below...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Should I Just Give Up Now?

Here are a few gems that have come out of my darling girl's mouth over the past week or so. Do I have any hope once she becomes a teenager?

When listening to Mark and me talking: "Mommy, let daddy talk for a minute."

When I got a little worked up over something, "Mommy, calm down."

When trying to overrule my authority:
Lainey: "Daddy, can I..."
Me: "I already said..."
Little hand held out as a stop sign to hush me
Lainey: "I'm talking to daddy."
Followed by a full-on eye roll.

And the one that really puts the fear in me...

When responding to my assertion that I'm the boss,  "No. Lainey's the boss. Mommy's just pretending."

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Pictures are In! The Pictures are In!

Hot off the presses, Nick's photos are in!

For a quick slideshow of the photographer's picks click here:

To go through all 100 images...and you KNOW you want to...use the below link and create an account. Access code is eae043b2.

We didn't hit a family picture out of the park, but there are a few decebt ones. However, there are some really amazing pictures of little buddy. Now we just have to decide what to order...and FAST! We only have a month before the cart expires.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mom of the Year Award

Mom of the Year Award goes to me, but only if it's being given by Lazy Parenting magazine. It's just been one of those hard weeks that makes it all to easy to take shortcuts.

Cold cereal and yogurt for dinner? Sure!

Back-to-back viewings of Finding Nemo? Why the heck, not?

You don't want to take a bath tonight? Well, let's skip it. I'll just scrub you down with a diaper wipe really quick. Aaaaah...spring fresh!

These are the weeks I'm thankful the kids go to daycare where they get a hot meal and age appropriate stimulation.

Then, I'm reading my Parents magazine with all of these cute Halloween craft suggestions, such as spray painting plastic insects in neon paint and gluing them to a ceramic bowl for handing out candy. Are you kidding me? I will be lucky to get the candy out of the bag and into a clean bowl from the kitchen. An even more likely scenario is me handing out gum from my purse, because I never got around to buying any candy. Just pick the lint off, kids.

I also love the 20-step ideas to liven your child's lunchbox. People...I fed my daughter cold cereal for dinner (albeit at her request). Do you think I have time to cut cucumber slices into stars and make caprese kabobs on toothpicks?

I know there are moms out there somewhere with four kids and two jobs, who will create a full-blown haunted house for Halloween and have soup made with homemade chicken stock ready for post trick-or-treat dining. I freely admit my inferiority and only feel slightly bad about it. Sorry, Lainey and Nick. You will be feasting on Campbell's and wearing store-bought costumes (that I will have to priority ship, because I won't order them until 10/28).

I may not be the Martha Stewart of moms, but I love my kids. They love me. And sometimes that's good enough.