Monday, August 20, 2018

Shortless Summer

Pants v. Shorts

We’ve had a pretty hot summer. More 90-degree days than not and so much humidity! Who wouldn’t want to wear a pair of shorts and let the breeze blow across their legs? I’ll tell you who—Nick. Nick REFUSES to wear shorts. It is a battle every day—a battle that I raised the white flag on about three days in and ordered several pairs of thin summer pants. But for some reason, wearing pants in the summer is the hill to die on for Mark and he intends to win this war (although he’s lost nearly every battle and it running out of time).

Oh Nick, what’s the deal?!

Is it because we’ve teased you about your skinny legs?

Is it because you hate to put on sunblock?

Is it because you slowly want to drive your father mad?

Nick has claimed #2 as the root cause, but I secretly think it’s #3. Alas, we may never know…but, one thing’s for sure, those legs aren’t catching a suntan this year.