Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Croup and the Little Buddy

Nick finally got to something before Lainey! At 1:30am on Monday morning, he took a trip to the Emergency Room. I always thought he'd make it there first, but I expected it to be for stitches or a broken bone. But, croup ended up being the culprit. It hit him hard around 1:00am when he woke with the tell-tale cough and very labored breathing, so off we went. We are lucky to be less than 15 minutes from a children’s hospital, and they were empty when we arrived, so we got care very quickly. Steroids and breathing treatments put him right, although he fought everything very fiercely. Like me sweating through my t-shirt fighting him fiercely. Amazingly, he fully recovered by that afternoon. No wheezing, no barking cough—nothing. Kids. When Lainey had croup, she carried on for a week, but never so seriously that she required hospital treatment. Maybe those steroids just really did the trick for him.

I was able to clock about 30 minutes sleep when we returned home before it was time to get Lainey up for school. She started throwing a fit about not wanting to go and I had zero fight in me, so I told her she could stay, but she had to entertain herself and let Nick and me sleep this morning and be my helper during the day. And NO iPAD! (I knew in her head she was thinking with Nick sick they’d just get screen time all day.) She agreed and got up to eat breakfast with Mark before he left to work. I’ll have to say Lainey stayed true to her word and was a HUGE help to me. While I dosed for about an hour, she cleaned up the kitchen and the office (like for REAL cleaned it) and made cards for Nick, Mark, and me. So sweet. She also ran up and down the stairs to get things I needed and kept Nick occupied in the basement for over an hour, so I could get some work done. I was really proud of her and she beamed when I told her! I’m so glad I kept her home!

So all is right in the house again, although I think Mark and I are still recovering from the lack of sleep. Is it Friday yet?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ages and Stages

Best Buds!

Lainey and Nick recently had their wellness check-ups and both are happy, healthy, growing kids!

Nick weighed in at 33 pounds and stands 38.5” tall, putting him in the 50-75th percentile. He passed his 36-month Ages and Stages questionnaire with flying colors! He can do everything a three-year-old should and a little more. And the biggest news of all—he is POTTY TRAINED! He’s been sporting his awesome super hero and Star Wars underwear for two weeks with only two accidents—he’s even dry through the night! Way to go Little Buddy! Nick’s favorite activities are tying up his stuffed animals, finding worms, and eating sugar—anything with sugar—he was a mad man on Easter Sunday. His current life ambition is “to eat blue lollipops when he grows up.” The positive of this is it’s a totally achievable dream. Go get ‘em, Nick! Nick is our funny boy, who loves to be silly and make people laugh. While he’s become a little more (okay A LOT more) particular and combative when things don’t go his way, he’s still more sunshine than storm and he gives the best hugs and kisses!

On to Miss Elaine…who is TALL! She is at 44 inches now, which is the 90th percentile and the average for a six-year-old girl. Her BMI is still on the high side, but our new doctor said that number is BS and she’s perfectly healthy and proportional. Lainey also got her immunizations to start Kindergarten at this visit (hubba, whaaat?)! Lainey’s still really into coloring and has become quite the little artist…I’m seriously impressed with some of her recent drawings. Right now she either wants to be an artist, a doctor at the zoo, or a swimming lessons teacher when she grows up. She continues to be a difficult and challenging little girl, full of stubbornness and fire. But, when she’s feeling the love she’s AMAZING and has become quite the little helper around the house.

Time, it is a flyin’! I’m so thankful for these two healthy, smart, and loving kiddos! They make life challenging, but they don’t skimp on the rewards either!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Nick’s Birthday: Episode 3

The Brandi clan all gathered in Moline to celebrate Eleanor and Nick’s birthday in a fun-packed weekend of bowling, pizza, and cake! It was an awesome weekend with family, and Mark and I even managed a coffee break with our friends, Josh Ford and Josh Schilb. Who knew the Quad Cities had such a hip coffee house? It was great to catch up with them and to enjoy a few kid-free hours—thanks again to Lonnie, Matt, and Kamra for holding down the front at home.

Saturday afternoon it was off to bowling! Nick was kind of slow to warm to the events, but Lainey was on fire and bowled a 108 (with bumpers and a ball ramp). After bowling we enjoyed pizza and cake back at the house. The two guests of honor were the absolute cutest blowing out their candles (or trying to—I swear they weren’t trick candles!) and then painting their faces with frosting. Nick was really hamming it up and loving the attention of making everyone laugh. Eleanor was giggling so hard she almost had tears. We all loved seeing these two having so much fun and are excited to watch them grow up together!

We already miss you all and are looking forward to the next time we can be together!