Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Let's do SIX!

Happy Birthday, my love!
We think of the milestone birthdays as landing on the “fives”…5, 10, 15. But, there’s something about SIX for me right now. FIVE still sounded sweetly young to me. She’s only five. She’s a kindergartener. She’s still my baby.

But, SIX?! SIX is a kid. A first grader. SIX means more independence and less need to have me by her side. And I look back at the last 72 months of pictures and videos and I sigh at those thigh rolls at one and laugh at the way she over-enunciated everything at two and smile at her Garfunkel curls and power alleys at three and clap as she conquers the monkey bars at four and swell with pride seeing her sing the loudest and proudest at the holiday program at five. And I love those memories of my little Lainey, my first born, my daughter. I will hold them dear and revisit them often, but I won’t wish to go back or mourn that the years went too fast (even though they really, really did).  

Because SIX-year-old Lainey is going to bring it. I’m already so amazed by this girl. She is STRONG and SMART and while I can’t claim she’s a tender soul, I’ve seen her have amazing COMPASSION and EMPATHY—usually in situations where it matters the most. And the conversations we have! Oh the conversations!!! They’re INTERESTING and THOUGHTFUL and I’m so looking forward to how they will grow over this next year. It’s incredible how differently she thinks and processes things after just one year of school.

Six also brings more self-awareness. And more self-awareness brings more self-consciousness. More insecurities. More hurt feelings. This is the territory I’m not so excited to explore. I feel like this is where the real parenting comes in and I’m scared to death I’m going to completely screw it up.

But, as it’s been since this little lady came into our lives, we’ll be taking the tough times with the fun times. We’ll grow together and learn from each other. And, hopefully, amid the power struggles, discipline, and, yes, the shouting, we can throw a little of that compassion and empathy each other’s way and still get our fill of hugs, sharing, and laughter.

Let’s do this, Lainey. Let’s do SIX!!!

Invasion of the Six-Year-Olds

We had Lainey’s birthday part on Sunday. 14, six-year-old girls in our backyard for two hours with just Mark and me holding things down.  If you’re thinking of trying this yourself, DON’T! I still get an eye twitch thinking about it. Let me tell you, 6YO girls know how to bring the drama. Half way through the party, Nick asked Mark if he could please go to his room and be by himself. Poor kid couldn’t take it. Of the 14 girls, at least half ended up crying at some point, including the birthday girl. There was fighting, whining, and bounce house “injuries” galore.  I even had to call one parent to come back and deal with her daughter.

But, all the girls seemed happy as they filed out of our yard and as Lainey drifted towards sleep that night, I whispered in her ear, “Did you love your party?” And she stretched one sleepy arm out and flipped a strong thumbs up. So, in the end, success! Because the joy of being six is that her mind goes straight to the laughter in the bounce house, the thrill of smacking the piƱata, and the sweet taste of cake and ice cream on her tongue. She’s forgotten all about the rest.

But, my mind does not. So, I’m glad you enjoyed it, Laineybug. Because NEVER again!

The best picture we got of the group, because organizing a group photo was WAY beyond our capabilities.

P.S. I do feel I should mention that, on your average day, most of these girls really are very sweet, but collectively that day...whoa! There were a few standout, AWESOME guests, and I made sure to tell their parents at pick-up. I also had a very serious talk with Elaine that night about how to be a good guest herself. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

38 is Great!

My mom raised me not to wish my life away and to be grateful for every birthday celebrated. While I often struggle with the former--I'm impatient and tend to think to the future rather than enjoy the moment--I've never struggled with the latter. I love my birthday. Almost every year of my life has proven better than the last. And I've had some good years!

I looked up a post I wrote on my 34th birthday and am happy to confirm that as I bridge from mid-thirties to late-thirties, I'm still digging this decade of my life. But, I don't feel old like I did four years ago--perhaps because I'm no longer mothering a three-month-old and not-quite-two-year-old; it's amazing the energy you regain when you get steady sleep.

No, at 38, I don't feel old. I feel experienced and naive. I feel hopeful and fearful. I feel balanced and unsteady. I feel settled and scattered. I feel confident that I can tackle all these conflicting feelings that change day-to-day. Except those days when I feel like I can't even get out of bed. But, I'm embracing it all.

I feel aged--in the best way possible. And even as I write this, I know I'll look back on this years from now and laugh at myself. Aged. I'm just getting started...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Mr. & Mr. Forever!

After all the planning, stress, and work, Chris and Sean finally had their big day on Saturday and it was PERFECT! The forecast had been threatening rain all week, but not a drop fell and a breeze even kicked up during the ceremony to help with the heat and humidity. The grooms were beyond handsome and the venue was beautiful. Everyone gave really beautiful, heartfelt speeches, including Dad, who also brought the humor.

I wish I had more pictures to post, but I left it to the professional photographer and will happily order my $8 prints. I just focused on laughing and dancing and celebrating. Big thanks to my wonderful husband, Mark, for taking full charge of the kiddos during the night.

I can honestly say I've never seen my brother happier than he was on Saturday. Congratulations, Chris and Sean! We love you so!

Boating, Burgers, and Birthdays!

I shamelessly stole the title to this post from my sister-in-law, Kamra's, facebook post! But, it's a good one and I'm a sucker for alliteration. (I also though I had published this post last week, but just found it in my drafts.)

We celebrated Lainey and Ben's 6th and 13th birthdays in Moline two weekends ago. As much as I can't believe Lainey is going to be six in a few weeks, my mind is blown that Ben is going to be 13. We were blessed with a sunny, hot day to head out on the Mississippi on Tim and Rebecca's boat. In addition to sunny and hot, it was also WINDY, making for an interesting trip back to the boat slip. Folks in the back got soaked from the wake, including out tiniest two, Nick and Eleanor, but they though it was hilarious, which helped everyone else think it was hilarious.

Back on dry land, we had a cookout, cake, and presents, and Grandpa Brandi gave us a little fireworks fun. It's always great to have the whole group together, even when we only have a day-and-a-half together. Already looking forward to the next visit!

Jacob and Mark...looking a WHOLE lot alike

Enjoying the river's waves

These friends til the end!
The stars of the weekend!


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Pre-school Graduation - Episode 1

Nick will be saying "so long" to his pre-school class room and moving on to the pre-K room in the fall. Even though both are technically "pre-school," our daycare does graduations for both. A little overkill, but who am I to say "no" to the cuteness overload?
It was a bit of a stressful lead up to the evening with horrible traffic for me and a mechanical problem on Mark's train that resulted in him missing most of the performance. My heart almost broke for Mark when he watched the video, because he thought he hadn't missed much and then realized he didn't see over half of it. 
You too can enjoy the video below (start about a minute in after the teacher's speech to get to the good stuff!) The mic on my phone is acting up, so the sounds goes in and out a bit, but those faces!!! So much enthusiasm!
I can't believe this little guy is four already! Please make it slow down! Just a little? Please?

The Graduate

Nick got the "Positive Participant" Award...but, I think he's "Class Clown" for sure!

Proud family