Thursday, May 28, 2015

Maggie Daley Park...At Last!

Whale of a good time!
Defying the threat of rain, we finally made it to Maggie Daley Park over the weekend. And it was AWESOME!!! Such a cool place! Lainey was reluctant to tackle the big slides at first, but soon we couldn’t keep up with how fast she raced up the ladders and flew back down the slides. Nick is still a little young to climb up to the bigger slides on his own, but he fell in love with a hill to climb up and tumble down, so he stayed happy while Lainey did her thing. We hope to make it back on a warmer morning to hit up some of the water features. I think Nick will love his dolphin friend even more on a hot day under a spray of mist!

Nick couldn't get enough of this guy!

The not so fun part was getting back to the car. We parked on Randolph, and while the park looks really close from the street, it’s actually quite a hike because of the winding paths. Add in a two-year-old who was NOT happy about leaving and you’ve got yourself an Iron Man workout. I ended up with a pulled muscle from carrying a struggling Nick to the car. This kid is really giving me the business these days!!!

Super Slider!
Here she comes again!

Big enough fo Dad to help a Little Buddy!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

It's a Thankless Job

Dear Nicholas,

I am so sorry you were sick last week. We had a rough night, you and I. You were up crying every hour or so, and I would rock you and stroke your hair until you fell back to sleep. And just as I would drift back to sleep, you'd wake again.

The next morning, I paced the house for over 20 minutes carrying your 35-pound body, because that's what soothed you. My back ached and my arms burned, but you found it offensive to sit, so we walked. When you finally fell back to sleep, I gently laid you on the couch then hurried to answer work emails and knock out a report that was due. Just as I hit send on the last email and was ready to lie down and rest my eyes for a bit, you woke back up. We resumed our pacing until you shook off your nap and were ready to eat.

At lunch you stole my sandwich, but I didn't mind, because I was just happy you were hungry. You were kind enough to shove some milk-soaked goldfish in my mouth in exchange. That was thoughtful of you.

After lunch, you seemed to be feeling better and we spent the afternoon playing. You had slept long enough in the morning that you weren't tired for an afternoon nap. Although I was exhausted, it was nice to have some alone time with you for once, and I happily played with your "guys" and let you climb and jump on me.

By the time we picked up your sister, I was running on fumes. Three hours of sleep just doesn't do it for me like it used to. So, I let you two have some TV time and we all cuddled on the couch. At one point, you suddenly jumped on my lap. You wrapped your little arms tightly around my neck, gave me a big kiss, and said, "Love you, Mommy." And as I looked down at your smiling little face, my exhaustion melted away and I thought, this is what it's all about. This is why it's all worth it.

Then your dad walked through the door. And you shoved me out of your way by my face and ran to him as fast as your little legs could carry you. And you've barely looked my way since.

So, as I sit here on my third day of a burning throat and a headache that won't quit, I say to you, "I'll remember this." And in about 15 years, there will be a Saturday night when both you and Lainey want the keys to the car. I hope you know how to ride a bike by then.


So happy together...before Mark got home

The Stolen Sandwich

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bye, Bye Baby

Things just got real up in The Yellow House. Today, we disassembled Nick's crib and Monday morning it will be on the curbside. And so it's official...we are a baby-free family. Like many of the greatest milestones in life, it's bittersweet. We have several friends with infants right now, and I won't lie, when I hold those sweet little bundles, I think, "well, maybe... ." But, two kids feels right for us, and with two kids we shall stay.

Nick transitioned to the toddler bed like a champ. Mark put it together last Sunday, and he's slept perfectly fine and stayed in the bed all night, every night. So, next up for the big guy...POTTY TRAINING! I will not have any trouble saying goodbye to diapers.

He'll always be MY baby

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day

The crumby weather spoiled my outdoor ideas for Mother's Day, but we recovered with a trip to the YMCA pool, a very liberal TV allowance for the kids, and a much needed afternoon nap for all.

I'd originally wanted to head to Bang! Bang! Pie Shop to enjoy their biscuits that I miss so much, but the cool, drizzly morning put a cabash on enjoying their lovely outdoor area. They have seating inside, but it's a little cramped and would have made managing the kids significantly more difficult. Containing high-strung kids in a small public area is not in the top 5 of my relaxing activities, so I took a pass. Those delicious biscuits will just have to wait.  My other idea was to hit up the Maggie Daley park, which I'm dying to get the kids to, but again, a rainy park isn't much fun.

By foregoing the above, we finally found time to take advantage of the open swim time at the YMCA. I've been wanting to get over there, because Lainey has been resistent to this round of swim lessons. I thought maybe a little family fun time might revive her enthusiasm for the water. Looks like it did the trick, because she has been asking when she gets to go swim lessons non-stop. Fingers crossed for no tears this Saturday!

Of course there were tears when it was time to LEAVE the pool, so I went with my best parenting tactic--bribery. This time it was the promise of muffins (which ended up being cupcakes.) Nothing like the promise of sweet, sweet sugar to stop a tantrum cold in its tracks. That sugar fix backfired at home, however, when we tried to plop the kids in front of a movie, so we could enjoy a quiet cup of coffee. They could not sit still or keep their voices below a shout. They were all over the place, tackling each other, jumping on the furniture, and racing in circles--the movie went unnoticed and our coffee went cold, as we played defense against leaping children and flying toys.

I may not have had a quiet cup of coffee, but I did get spoiled with gifts! Lainey made me a ladybug flower pot (how appropriate!) and Nick presented a hand-painted picture frame. Mark outdid himself yet again in the gift department and bought me a beautiful silver necklace with Nick and Elaine's silhouettes. I love it so!

The kids were pretty exhausted from the morning and took very long naps, and I indulged in one myself--a treat I haven't enjoyed for quite some time. Mark took care of dinner that night while I snuggled on the couch with the kids and watched a Wild Kratts marathon. All-in-all a pretty great Mother's Day!

Almost four years later, I still have moments when I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I'm a mother. That idea I grew these two wonderful little beings inside me and am responsible for raising them into independent, capable, compassionate (I hope) adults, humbles, scares, inspires, and leaves me in awe and wonder. It's a huge, complex job, full of obstacles, rewards, failures, and successes. And I'll keep trying every day for the rest of my life to be a better mother, teacher, and friend to them. How did I get so lucky?

And the best gifts of all...