Whale of a good time! |
Defying the threat of rain, we finally made it to Maggie
Daley Park over the weekend. And it was AWESOME!!! Such a cool place! Lainey
was reluctant to tackle the big slides at first, but soon we couldn’t keep up
with how fast she raced up the ladders and flew back down the slides. Nick is
still a little young to climb up to the bigger slides on his own, but he fell in love with a hill
to climb up and tumble down, so he stayed happy while Lainey did her thing. We
hope to make it back on a warmer morning to hit up some of the water features.
I think Nick will love his dolphin friend even more on a hot day under a spray
of mist!
Nick couldn't get enough of this guy! |
The not so fun part was getting back to the car. We parked
on Randolph, and while the park looks really close from the street, it’s actually
quite a hike because of the winding paths. Add in a two-year-old who was NOT happy
about leaving and you’ve got yourself an Iron Man workout. I ended up with a
pulled muscle from carrying a struggling Nick to the car. This kid is really
giving me the business these days!!!
Super Slider! |
Here she comes again! |
Big enough fo Dad to help a Little Buddy! |
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