Tuesday, April 28, 2015

And so it begins...

Here they come...the tough conversations. Is there an app for this? 'Cause to be honest, I'd kinda' like to phone some of these in. 

As Lainey closes out her fourth year of life (FOUR!!! She’ll be FOUR in less than two months), her observations and questions are becoming more complicated. Like at the birthday party two weeks ago, when she very loudly announced, “Mommy! That man has a BIIIGGG forehead!” Okay, not so bad, the man didn’t even hear her and he probably would have chuckled at her observation of his receding hairline. But, then last week she came home and said, “Mommy, do you know who has a big tummy? Neil’s* dad!” Now, I’ve seen Neil’s dad at pick-up and he does indeed have a very big tummy. So, I started to explain that she shouldn’t make comments like that because they could hurt someone’s feelings. She looked confused as to why, so I continued explaining. But, somehow my talk just went off the rails and turned into a topsy-turvey pile of nonsense. I started with the “we all have different kinds of bodies” talk, but then I felt the need to insert something about eating the right food and taking care of our bodies, so we don’t get big. But, then I went back to “but, it’s okay if you’re bigger,” before really clearing up the issue with “but, if someone is bigger you still shouldn’t say anything, because they might feel bad about having a bigger body.” When I finally stopped babbling, I looked at Lainey and asked, “understand?” She stared at me with her knitted brow and then asked “Can I have a dessert?” So, I’d say that talk failed on every level.

It also seems things are starting to get romantic at pre-school! The other night on the drive home, Lainey informed me that Ian* kisses her sometimes and he’s going to marry her. “Really?!” I said feigning horrified shock. “You’re going to get married!” “Yes,” Lainey said. “Because boys marry girls.” I nodded along smiling and said, "Yes, boys marry girls,” and kept smiling and nodding, until I realized with a jolt what I was leaving out. “And boys can marry boys, and girls can marry girls,” I quickly added. She seemed a little confused, and then even a little upset, because she "doesn’t WANT to marry a girl!” I told her she didn’t HAVE to marry a girl, I was just saying that you can love whomever you want and marry whomever you want. Love is love and the more the merrier. She seemed to like that idea (wish other people were so easy to convince).

Finally, her anatomy questions are really ramping up and I just don’t know where to start and stop on those at this age. She finally asked the question about why boys have penises and girls have vaginas. I took the easiest route I could think of at 6:30 a.m. on a Monday morning--“So you can tell who is a boy and who is a girl.” She seemed satisfied with this, so I’ll leave the gender identity discussion for another day.

In the end, I just want to raise empathetic children who are aware of differences and can acknowledge and accept them in a loving, respectful way. I guess I’d rather screw up the conversation than not have it at all.

*Names changed to protect privacy

Friday, April 17, 2015

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!!!

Brunch Buddies
Last weekend, the long awaited visit from two of my best gals finally happened! I’d love to say we partied like rock stars all weekend long, but we were pretty tame. We were blessed with really beautiful weather, so it was a lot of walking and talking and just being together.
Friday was a bit hectic on my end, as Nick was sick with a fever and I had a last-minute, urgent project for work. But, by pushing through late into Thursday night and with reinforcements from Lonnie to take care of Nick, I managed to arrive at the hotel only minutes after Meredith and Katie. 

We spent the afternoon catching up over lunch and took a long walk along the lake. We hardly took a breath; there was so much talk about. I’m not a great phone person and I’m even worse since having the kids, so I’m sad to say it had been quite some time since I’d properly communicated with these two. But, as only best friends can, we picked up as if we’d just seen each other a few days before. Friday night, I had planned to hit Xoco for dinner before we headed to a Second City show, but we got started a little late, so the line was just long enough to make it too close for comfort. We shouldn’t have worried, because the show started about 15 minutes late and it seems the better seats are actually towards the back—much more legroom! Live and learn. But, the show was good, aside from an oddly depressing opening skit in the second act—it was kind of a buzz kill. After the show, we all admitted we had no interest in going out for a drink and that the hotel room, comfy clothes, and TV were calling our name.

Saturday we brunched at Little Goat Diner, which more than made up for the lackluster dinner we ended up having on Friday. Stephanie Izard…you know your stuff lady! After brunch we headed out to the highlight of the weekend—our house! I was excited to show it off and, of course, wanted my friends to spend some time with the kids. Nick and Lainey started off really shy, but came around by the time we had to leave. Once back downtown, we had coffee in Millenium Park and enjoyed some people watching, particularly observing all the selfie sticks at the Bean. Selfie sticks kind of became our inside joke of the weekend.

Dinner on Friday was at Carnivale. I had never been, but had heard good things. It had a great ambiance—very festive and bright. The food was good and we had some fun pre-dinner cocktails. Our waiter, Michael, pushed the tequila flights, which ended up being our undoing Sunday morning—breakfast was a little rough. But, in the moment it was a great time and we learned a lot about tequila, so I will chalk it up to an educational experience. After dinner, it was off to Three Dots and a Dash, a tiki bar in River North. We were early enough that the wait wasn’t too long, and we actually snagged some bar seats inside. The drinks are all classic cocktails from restaurants across the country, and there is even a drink from the Kahiki, a Columbus institution (until it close a few years ago), where I went for my senior prom dinner. Ah, memories! The drinks were really pretty (if overpriced) and again, the people watching was spectacular! There was a bachelorette party where all of the women seemed to have mistaken their shirts for dresses—lots of butt cheeks peeking at us—and these ladies weren’t in the under 30 set. Yikes!

As I said, Sunday morning was rough. We moved slowly, ate breakfast at the most convenient spot, and pretty much laid around until check-out at noon. I was very happy that I was only a 20-minute Uber ride from home and didn’t have to do the trek to Ohio via Southwest.

Thanks for coming to see me ladies! It was so nice to have you on my turf for a change. I miss your lovely faces so much. See you in Ohio in June!

Big smiles and rosy cheeks post-tequila!!!

Pretty drinks at Three Dots and a Dash

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Our Easter Bunnies

Today was an all-around awesome day! The kids slept past 6am, the sun was shining, and Easter fun abounded! We kicked off the morning with Easter baskets from both the Easter Bunny (who is a girl, according to Lainey--she got very irritated that I kept saying "he") and from my dad and Sharon. Nick wasted no time digging into his chocolate and we had a trouble wrangling it away from him. Mark finally managed a diversion, so I could whisk the baskets into the kitchen. Of course, I wasn't so smooth and left them on the table within reach. While I'm putting breakfast together, Lainey cries out, "Nick has another one!" And sure enough, I turn around and he's eating a peanut butter bunny and starts shoving it in his mouth as fast as he can, so I can't take it away from him. The kid has a serious sugar problem. I may have to start looking into rehab facilities.

For breakfast, I made some adorable bunny pancakes. Generally I roll my eyes at food art for kids, because a) who has the time and b) will they even appreciate it. Now I have my answer to question b); No, they will not. The kids barely touched them. Well, that's not true. Lainey flipped hers around to make it face forward, because, "Eww! I don't want to see its booty!," and then made a face with blueberries and a raspberry. But, in the end she didn't eat any. I suppose I have to take into account that they had just indulged in candy for an appetizer and were excited to get outside for the egg hunt, but still...an ear? One foot? The feet even had chocolate chips in them!!! In the grand scheme, I really didn't care, because pancakes are probably marginally better for them than the chocolate eggs. We did manage to get some fruit in them, so I was happy with that.

I don't know how they resisted these?!!! Adorbable!
The egg hunt was a success, but Lainey complained that there weren't enough to find, so she re-hid them all twice and made Nick find them. I guess next year, we'll have to hide some plastic ones in addition to the real ones. 
Got one!
Adding to his basket!

After eggs it was off to the first visit to the park since the fall. Now that both kids have bikes, we left the stroller at home for the first time. We spent over two hours there, and because most people were at church celebrating the real reason for Easter, we had the place all to ourselves. It was great! 

With all the morning activity (and influx of sugar) both kids crashed hard for naps and slept a long time, giving Mark time to do yard work and me time to prep a week's worth of dinner--yes, the whole week and I'll need it. Work is going to be a bear this week and I'll also be prepping for Katie and Meredith's visit--which not only means planning our fun times, but getting all of next weekend's errands and chores out of the way. After chores, Mark and I had just enough time to sit and enjoy a beer on the patio together. Bliss!

Now the babes are snuggled tight in their beds, Mark and I are chilling on the couch, and Mad Men starts in two minutes. Does Monday really have to be tomorrow? I want one more of today!