Friday, March 23, 2012

Me and My Shadow

Remember when I found it adorable that Lainey wouldn't be separated from me on Sunday? Well, the behavior seems to be sticking and it's a little less endearing when I'm trying to juggle the weeknight load. It's hard to get her dinner ready or run her bath when she's attached to my ankles.  Plus, Mark had to travel to Kansas City, so I was solo two nights in a row. There was a lot of screaming and crying from Lainey and lots of deep breathes and red wine for me.

It wouldn't be so bad, if she just wanted to be right next to me or even snuggle in my arms. BUT...she wants to be on me while simultaneously having access to all her toys on the floor. So, I end up with her whining to get into my arms and then when she gets there, whining and wriggling to reach her toys. I put her back on the floor and she flips around and climbs back onto me. I pick her up and she flips back the other way again and wants to be on the floor. There is no winning!

Luckily, she's only like this in the evening. She rarely fusses or whines in the morning and is usually happy to have some independence, especially if she can make a break for something she's not supposed to have or someplace she's not supposed to be--usually the TV stand and more specifically the DVD player. (Babyproofing it priority #1 on the weekend "to do" list.")

I know I need to try and enjoy her clinginess, because the day will come all too fast when she won't want to be anywhere near me. Plus, having her so close gives me open access to kiss all her wonderful chubbiness! There's nothing that beats that!

Best buddies!

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