Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Wishes

'Tis the time of year to write letters to Santa. This year was Nick's first time "writing" a letter and he did not disappoint on the amusement front, as you'll see below. The only prompt he had was "tell Santa want you want" and "anything else?" after each response. He actually gave a great deal of thought to each item on the list with his little chin propped on his hand and his finger tapping the side of his mouth (how do kids understand this as the international sign for thinking?) Anyway, Santa is going to have to give some thought of his own on how to fulfill this list under the tree...

Lainey's list doesn't provide as much comic relief as the last two years, but I am pleased to see she was thoughtful enough to include her brother on her list, giving him both top and bottom billing. And check-out that unicorn with the rainbow mane! I tried to probe for specifics under "toys," but she told me, "let's just see what he brings." I'm hoping this just means that she'll be happy with anything and not that she's already testing the "is Santa real" waters, by dreaming up a gift only Santa knows about. I have it on good authority that Santa does plan to fulfill the bake goods request, but will likely outsource it to the local grocery store.

Merry Christmas and may all your Christmas wishes come true!

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