Wednesday, January 11, 2017

John, Joan, and Gene

About a month ago, Nick announced that he has brothers. It started one night when I asked him who taught him to say, “what the frek?,” and he replied, “My brother, John.” Throughout that evening, we came to learn he also has a brother Joan and brother Gene. They are all 16 and live in a castle.

He’s had many, many other brothers since this time, who usually only stick around for a day or so and are generally five-years-old and named after the first object he sees—a few names include Candy Cane, Candy Cane Lick, Towel, Cup, and Chair. Per Mark, he also proclaimed that Samuel L. Jackson was his brother when he saw him on TV (I hope during a commercial, because there is no Samuel L. Jackson movie appropriate for a three-year-old). But, all of these brothers come and go, while John, Joan, and Gene remain constant.

Despite John being blamed for “what the frek,” it appears Joan is the real trouble maker. As Nick says, “Joan’s so naughty.” He causes all kinds of trouble and makes Nick do all kinds of things he shouldn’t. I secretly love that Joan’s the bad one, because one of my dear friends is named Joan, and she is definitely the naughtiest of the group. It’s fun hearing her name around the house! John seems to be the protector and poor Gene just dies a lot—often through attack by a wild animal.

I will tell you, this kid has the most amazing imagination and I love, love, love this new element. Except for yesterday when he had a complete tantrum, because I couldn’t take a picture of his brothers. He was very mad at me, as were John, Joan, and Gene evidently. Sorry boys—I really would love to have a picture of all my sons* together!

*UPDATE: I’ve learned that John, Joan, and Gene aren’t my sons. Their mom’s name is Johnny and their dad’s name is Donny. No explanation was provided on how they became Nick’s brothers. 

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