Friday, July 4, 2014

Birthday Girl

After months of anxiously awaiting her birthday, Lainey finally got to celebrate…three different times!!! (Three for age three, I guess!)

We celebrated with Dad and Sharon two weeks ago with a trip to the zoo, presents, and mini cupcakes. Dad got her a table and chairs and a Doc McStuffins dress-up set. She was ADORABLE in her little doctor’s jacket and stethoscope. She gave examinations all around and later, when Dad bumped his knee, she took a listen to it and diagnosed a band-aid, all the while referring to herself as “Dr. Lainey.”

We decided to give her the dollhouse Mark had been lovingly laboring on while Dad was here (didn’t really make sense nor did we have the car space to drag it to Moline and back). I thought she would like it, but I was surprised at just how rapt she was with it. She’s been busy playing with it the past two weeks and even lets Nick get in on the action (but, only with the furnishings she chooses for him). I love it! It’s great to see how her little imagination works (and it lets me sit quietly on the couch and finish a cup of coffee). Everyone wins!!!

We took a trip to Moline this past weekend to celebrate both Elaine and Ben’s birthdays with the Brandi crew. (Ben’s birthday is the day before Lainey’s.) On Friday (her official birthday), Mark and I left Nick with grandma and took Lainey out for some solo time with us. We hit the park and then took her to lunch where she ordered pancakes and French fries. It was a great morning, followed by a long nap. Things went south post-nap when, being the monstrous parents we are, we FORCED her gift upon her amid a series of tantrums. Seemed she would have much rather watched Ice Age on the couch than enjoy her brand-new, pink balance bike. Tears and screams were not the reaction we were hoping for with this gift. Luckily, we have the whole travesty saved on film, so we can relive the fun for years to come.

The party with the family on Saturday had no tears, however. Lainey loved being with her cousins to play and celebrate. She also loved all of her Frozen gifts, including her first “Barbies” – Anna and Elsa (we’ve had some interesting anatomy questions this past week). She also was quite pleased with her purple birthday cake that she’s been requesting since Nick’s birthday in March.

Three years went by way too fast, but I still find that she just gets better with age. Her imagination is off the charts and she comes up with the funniest things. I love our conversations and wish I could record everything she says right now, because there is just no way to remember all the cuteness!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Laineybug! Let’s try to slow it down a bit on the way to 4, okay?

The Dollhouse - second generation in the Brandi Family

Dr. Lainey make house calls
Joy at the park!
The purple cake of her dreams (topped with Anna, Elsa and Olaf figures)!

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