Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What's new with Nick?

Little Buddy had his 15-month check-up (oh about 4 weeks ago) and I’m happy to report that despite our nickname for him, he’s anything but little. His weight was almost 27 pounds (90-95%) height is 33 inches (95%) and as with Lainey, he’s still rockin’ a large melon. I had to miss this one, because I had just started the new job, but Mark said he took the shots like a trooper. Just a little whimper and he was over it!

Nick seems to be past his gross motor struggles we we’re seeing around 10 months. He’s quick on his feet and will climb on anything with no regard to his safety (or his mommy’s heart rate). I can’t take my eye off this kid for a second!!! I’m remembering what hard work this age is. I love the budding personality and seeing all his new accomplishments, but there is no down time…just constant watching, chasing, correcting, and protecting. He’s on the move, but has no concept of boundaries and seems to think “no” is the funniest joke I tell.

Fine motor skills seem to come pretty easy to Nick. I think he’s further ahead than Lainey was at this age. He’s very good with eating utensils and manipulates small toys very well. My favorite new activity (as of last night in the car) is “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” He was making some sing-songy noises, so I turned around to look in his mirror (Mark was driving) and him working his little fingers.  I started singing the song and his face lit up and he started doing the motions, making the itsiest, bitsiest, cutest spider ever!!! Loved it!

Nick’s very verbal and words include dada, ball, doggie, birdie, flower, more, all done and bubbles. He CAN say “mama,” because I can get him to repeat it, and he KNOWS that I’M “mama,” because he’ll look at me if you ask “where’s mommy?,” but he still doesn’t use it in reference to me. Maybe because he’s too busy calling for “dada, dada, DADA!” He only wants his daddy…unless he just finished throwing up, then he wants me. It stings a little to have him burst into wails and cling to Mark when I take him away, but I remember Lainey was once the same way and now she’s my bestie and usually prefers me to Mark. Can’t they just love us equally?!!

My sweet boy is having some trouble transitioning from the infant room to the toddle room at daycare. We thought it was going to be an absolute breeze, because he loved going to the Chimps (toddler) room to visit and would cry when he had to go back to the Koala (infant) room. He would even reach for one of the teachers from my arms during drop-off. Well, guess he’s not down for being there permanently. I’m hoping he turns a corner soon, because it breaks my heart dropping him off in the morning! And I have to do it, because if he gets that upset to see me go, then you can only imagine how he’ll react seeing Daddy walk out the door. I wish the drama were only at drop-off, but so far it seems to be carrying on throughout the day. Booooo!!!

Daycare woes aside, Nick’s lookin’ good and feelin’ fine these days! 

Hugs for mommy...
...before smacks for mommy!
(We're working on the hitting.)

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