Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Fun

So, it only took me a week to get around to posting this, but better late than never. We had a delightful Easter last Sunday. Lainey had her first Easter Bunny visit (could've done it last year, but we were a little busy with a one-week-old Nick) and her first attempt at dying eggs (could've waited another year on this...patience is a virtue and we all needed a little more).

While the dying of the eggs left everyone a on edge, the hunt for the eggs Sunday morning was really fun! Mark had little faith in our girl, considering she sometimes can't find her own feet, but she found all the eggs and was super adorable doing it. She got a ladybug magnifying glass in in her Easter basket and took it with her for the hunt. It was pretty early (7:00 AM) when we hit the backyard, so we tried to hush her enthusiasm for the sake of the neighbors, but eventually, I was like "eh, it's one morning; they can deal."

We had beautiful weather, so we hit the park for a long-awaited visit, however, when we got there, Lainey was not very enthused. We thought she would go crazy, but it took her a long time to warm up to the swings and slides. She totally freaked out when I pushed her "too high." Last summer, I could never get her high enough. Just another sign that my little bug is growing up; she's starting to realize she's not invincible and can get hurt. Eventually, she came around and then we had to be tricky to get her to leave. Nick loved the swings (see video below), but he was struggling a bit at the park. He already had a cold, but he was allergic to something in the air. Within the first five minutes his eyes got super red and then were quite swollen by the time we left. But, by the time we got back home, his eyes were perfectly fine again, so we're pretty sure it's not just general seasonal allergies--a big relief.

After the park, we had lunch and then Lainey got to eat her first chocolate rabbit ears. She loved them!

The picture that will let us look back on this as a happy memory.
A flagrant example of airbrushing reality for my social media feeds.

Mark made Lainey a Mike Wazowski egg

Video of the great egg hunt

Nick swinging

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