Monday, April 22, 2013

One Month Today!

Nick is one-month-old today! He had his four-week check-up and weighed in at 11 pounds (75%), 23 inches (98%), and just like his sister, his head remains large--15 3/8 centimeters (95%). Guess he has a big, beautiful brain, too!

Our little man continues to take it fairly easy on us, but it was around week five that Elaine started showing her willful streak, so we'll see what the coming weeks bring. Nick's still going through an hour or so of fussiness in the evening, but it's not too intense. He's also been mixing up his nights and days a little, so his nighttime feedings are followed by 30-60 minutes of wide-eyed gazing, but at least he's calm about it. Once I reach the 90-minute mark of being up with him, I've been putting him back in his crib awake and he's putting himself to sleep just fine. I hope this is a good sign of future sleep habits!

Here's a picture I caught while waiting for the doctor today...soon we should be getting lots of smiles out of him!

Poor guy doesn't know he's about to get a shot!

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