Saturday, April 6, 2013


After getting some much needed rest and a good dose of female support at brunch today, I am able to stop and reflect on how truly blessed I am with such a beautiful, healthy family. I won't take back my last post or regret the feelings I had over the last few days, because it is okay to love your kids, but not always like their behavior, and it is okay not to be in perfect control of everything every day. I'm just a mere mortal after all.

But, it is also important when feeling overly frustrated that things just aren't going as planned (e.g., Lainey won't sleep; we can't find a house we like) for me to stop, take a deep breathe, and focus on all the wonderful blessings in my world.

I have two, healthy, beautiful children. I have a loving, supportive husband, who generally puts my needs ahead of his own (thanks for the extra hour of sleep today, Mark). I have never had to worry one single day about having enough to eat, clothes on my back, or a roof over my head.

Life will always have difficulties and disappointments, and if I need the occasional bitchfest to clear my stress, I'm not going to beat myself up for it. I'll just hope that most days I'm able to enjoy the magic moments of life and let the other stuff fade to the background. Like right now...this is what the rest of my family is doing...all three of the loves of my life slumbering away...

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