Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh what a week!

Our little Nick is a week old today! And we've all survived the transition from a family of three to a family of four.

#2 is definitely easier, just because we have a sense of what the heck we're doing and don't need to run to What to Expect the First Year or the pediatrician's website every five minutes to see if something is "normal." But, I also have to give credit to the little man--not to jinx us, but he is an absolute DREAM! So far very calm and, at the greatest relief to me, an excellent nurser. No issues at all there, except he likes to eat often, but is very lazy about it. So, I'm spending a lot of time A LOT of time. Which hasn't been so bad, but I'm anxious about how that's going to work out this coming Thursday when I have both Lainey and Nick home all day with me (Lainey will only be going to daycare Monday - Wednesday while I'm on maternity leave). As you might expect, Lainey isn't the most patient of children and is having a wee bit of trouble adjusting to having a little brother around. So, I have vision of her tearing the apartment apart, while I try to complete a feeding in less than 45 minutes. But, people do this all the time and figure it out, so I guess I will, too.

Lainey is showing more interest in Nick and the tantrums have tapered (slightly). Grandpa and Grandma Brandi just left today after a quick visit and her demeanor dramatically improved during their stay. Of course, they provided extra attention and an great audience for her to show off, so we'll see how things go tomorrow when it's back to just Mom and Dad. It's been a little stressful dealing with her and trying to figure out how to appropriately discipline her. She's too old for us to just let her antics slide, but she's still too young to do any kind of reasoning. Not to mention, it's hard for me to take a hard line with her when I can't help feeling guilty that I'm spending so much time with Nick and not giving her very much attention. It's been emotional for both of us.

Okay, gotta' cut this short. My little guy is ready for his next feeding...more to come on our new and exciting adventures as parents for TWO! TWO beautiful kids--we're so blessed!

Our first family picture

Showing her brother some love

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