Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

Lainey's first Christmas was full of travel, presents, and, sadly, illness. We hit Moline to celebrate Amelia and Oliver's birthdays and spend Christmas with the Brandi clan.  Lainey had her first introduction to bows and wrapping paper during the birthday festivities and was immediately hooked. I knew there was no need for actual presents this year! Of course she still got showered with books, toys and clothes from her Grandparents and Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Everyone was kind this year giving toys that make minimal noise, but I don't think we'll get that consideration forever.

Discovering wrapping paper with Aunt Rebecca

Christmas morning with her cousin Amelia. Santa was good to both!
After Moline, we headed on to the "Heart of it All" for a visit with Grandpa Bob and Uncle Chris. Both went just a tad overboard on gifts for our little princess, but I guess I'll let it slide this year. I mean what six-month-old doesn't need a zoo of stuffed animals, multiple dolls, and a dancing Brutus Buckeye? (Not to mention all the other toys and books.)  And she has plenty of clothes now (although I did have to tell Dad it's okay to buy them in other colors than pink).

Grandpa and his little lady
Don't make me go upstairs! I want more presents!!!
As for the sickies...poor Lainey came down with a fever Christmas Eve afternoon. We knew right away the culprit--another ear infection. Luckily, an urgent care center was open Christmas morning. We got her started on some antibiotics, which seemed to do the trick until Wednesday afternoon when she woke her nap screaming and didn't stop for four hours. Off we went to another urgent care center. The doctor questioned the selection of anitbiotics she had been given, saying it doesn't always work well on ear infections. So, a new prescription was written. She seems to be doing well now, but we'll see how things look on Wednesday when we take her back to the doctor. Since this is her third ear infection in two months, Mark and I are going to ask about tubes. Everyone who has had babies with repeat infections says they work wonders and wish they had had them put in sooner than later. We'll see what the doc says!

All in all it was a pretty great first Christmas for our Lainey! We missed Grandma Pam a lot, but she was there in spirit and I know she is looking over our little girl.

Not enough pictures for you? Here's the full album of Lainey's Christmas fun: Christmas 2011


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