Mark and I have been making an effort to spend one-on-one time with each of the kids every night. Mark and Nick will hang out, while Lainey and I do, and then we'll switch. Albeit brief, usually 10 - 15 minutes per kid, I've really been enjoying it and the kids now ask if we're going to have "special time."
During our time on Wednesday, Lainey kicked off a game of "would you rather" and it was the most amazing 10 minutes I've spent with her in a long time. It started off pretty tame with questions like, "would you rather hug me or kiss me," but quickly escalated to the more disgusting side of things...let's just say I was given many choices involving the ingestion of poop. But, poop questions aside, I really loved learning bit more about my daughter and how she processes choices and what her preferences are--there were some surprises!
Some of my favorite exchanges:
Me: Would you rather have a broken arm or a broken leg?
Elaine: Easy. Broken arm, so I could still walk.
Me: Would you rather have a pony or a cat?
Elaine: A cat. I could hold it and cuddle it. I could fall off a pony and hurt myself and then I wouldn't like that pony anymore.
Me: Would you rather marry Todd or Chad*?
Elaine: Todd. Chad eats his boogers.
Me: Would you rather shave your head or live without the iPad for a year?
Elaine: Forever?
Me: Not forever. You'd shave your head once and let it grow back. You'd lose iPad for one year.
Elaine: (without missing a beat). Shave my head.
Me: Would you rather spend a whole weekend alone with Daddy or me?
Elaine: Hmmmm...that's a tough one. How long is that?
Me: Two days.
Elaine: Will you take me to Dunkin Donuts?
Me: Yes.
Elaine: Will you take me to Dunkin Donuts BOTH days?
Me: Sure.
Elaine: Hmmmm. I pick Daddy. (And then she erupted into those amazing giggles of hers.)
There was a lot of thinking and even more laughter! I hope we make this a regular activity in our house!
*not the real names just in case "Chad's" mom ever got ahold of this blog.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
One Lucky Mama
I was greeted into my Mother’s Day by a very excited Nick who belted out the best “Happy Mother’s Day” ever heard, followed by his infectious giggles and a full-body hug (‘cause that’s the only way my boy knows how to do it!) Lainey managed to glance up from the iPad briefly, but didn’t really join the program until she realized Nick was getting all the attention. I opened Nick’s gift he made at school and we immediately went to find a spot to hang it. Luckily, there was a nail in the wall of the office just waiting for something to adorn it. Lainey read the poem from her art project and then the “fill in the blank” worksheets she did about me. So great! Mark gifted me two sets of silver earrings…tiny “Es” for Elaine and tiny “Ns” for Nick. I’ve lost several pairs of earrings recently, so as usual, he got me the perfect gift.
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My favorite..."My mom is as smart as a me"...or maybe the beauty mark she drew on my cheek.. |
We did a quick breakfast and then headed out for Six Flags! I wanted to take the kids this summer and had a promo from work for discounted tickets. I though perhaps Mother’s Day might be less crowded and it was! Short wait times all around and we got there right as the gates opened, so I was able to sneak on a few big kids coasters without taking too much time away from the family. The day was beyond gorgeous and we had the added bonus of meeting up with our favorite family, the O’Grady’s! It was a really fun day with no meltdowns although there was a small pout session from Lainey when the families went our separate ways for the last ride of the day, and she refused to say goodbye to Molly, Maggie, and Jason. Once I got her one-on-one, it turned out she was just confused about the situation. Once she understood, she pepped back up, and we hurried to catch up with Mark and Nick for the Roaring Rapids ride. So, sorry to the O’Grady’s, but yay for us finishing on a high note! Both kids loved the ride, even if we were a bit chilly in the wet aftermath.
Family Fun Day! |
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Yay for friends! |
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Back at home,
it was the usual Sunday whirlwind of preparing for the week…most notably
preparing for the construction to FINALLY begin on our new kitchen!
Being a mom
isn’t the easiest, and I’m certainly not the best, but they kids seem to love me
anyway and I’ll take some tantrums and backtalk in order to get all that sweet
love and adoration.
Hoping all
the mamas out there had very special days!
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Mom, I remember that time...
Today is my mom’s birthday and Sunday is Mother’s Day. I don’t think
that this time of year ever won’t be emotional, but given recent challenges and
with Chris’s wedding on the horizon, I’m feeling her absence particularly
strongly right now. I’m thinking of her and remembering her and feeling the
need to record those memories. This certainly isn’t a “best of” list and nothing
is retold half as well as she would have done, but it’s my simple way of
honoring and memorializing her. So, enjoy a few pieces of Pam. I remember…
· That time she got in a “war of the bird” (aka
middle finger) with a teenage kid who cut her off coming north on US-23. I
still remember who the kid was, so if he was 16 or 17, I must have been 10 or
11. The incident happened around the Bob Evans/Wesleyan Woods area and the
battle of raised fingers and hard stares continued until the kid split off to
Sandusky Street and we continued on towards the Williams Street exit. My
response, “well, that was interesting.”
· That time she signed up every, single year to be
class mom in elementary school and chaperoned just about every field trip that
I remember. She threw a mean class party and she always bought treats for our
field trip group even thought it was against the rules (probably couldn’t get
away with that today—nah—she still could).
· That time we saw a man roughing up a woman in
the U.S. Store parking lot (which also was the parking lot for a hole-in-the-wall
bar and our church) and Mom stopped the car and called for her to get in. We didn't know the woman, and she
didn’t get in the car, but the man charged our car and Mom (safely locked in the car) kept him
distracted long enough for the woman to get away. No cell phones back then
people, but Pam Anderson wasn’t about to turn a blind eye and drive away, even
if her young child was with her. That was scary, but maybe one of the best
lessons about responsibility that she ever gave me.
· That time when I got in a physical altercation
in high school (not my finest moment) and came home sobbing, because I thought
I might get suspended. Mom’s first response was, “Damn it, Kylie. You hit with
an open hand, so it doesn’t leave a mark!”
· That time she instinctively drove me straight to
Dairy Queen to ease my first heartbreak.
· That time she played along with all the smartass
college dudes who sent emails or voicemails to “Pamela Anderson.” She always
said you could tell her apart from the Baywatch babe, because she didn’t have her
wedding ring tattooed on her finger.
· That time she taught me the best hangover
prevention…Alka-Seltzer and Advil before bed. Evidently, back in her heyday,
mom could drink them under the table and was pretty disappointed at my
inability to a) hold my liquor and b) drink scotch.
· That time she got a four-week-old Lainey to stop
crying and to fall sleep asleep immediately, just by laying her on her chest
and humming. Aw, man, that’s the one that really gets me. Okay, here
come the tears…
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Muncie Mania
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Reunited and it feels so good... |
If it’s hard to meet a new friend in your late 30s, it’s a miracle to meet a soul mate. But, a little over two years ago, I got my miracle with Kourtney. We met through work and a casual lunch one day sparked a friendship that I hope will stand the test of time and location.
Kourtney took a chance on love and a new job in January and moved from Chicago to Muncie, Indiana, and we went from seeing each other almost every day to not seeing each other at all (thank heavens for unlimited text plans or we would be in serious debt). But, texts, social media updates, and phone calls only do so much, so I made the trek to Muncie this past weekend to see her face and her new world. It was a lazy weekend filled with good drink, good food, and lots of laughing. It was so nice to know that our friendship could pick-up right where it left off. You know you have a comfortable friendship when you’re both willing to admit that what you really want on a rainy Saturday afternoon is a nap. And nap we did! And it was glorious! Seriously, probably the most decadent thing she could have given me! That Kourtney…she just GETS me!
While I have many regrets from my last job (oh so many regrets), I’ll never wish I hadn’t taken the position, because I gained a wonderful person, confident, supporter, friend, and soul sister. K&K forever!
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