Sunday, January 26, 2014

10 Months for Nick!

Nick passed 10 months last week, but he seems to be growing well past his age. We had Lainey in the trusty Keyfit 30 (infant carseat) until 18 months, but there is no way Nick's making it that long. We'll be lucky to hit one year. Although he's still under the weight limit, his little feet are starting to dangle past the edge and with his winter coat on he's definitely snug as a bug. In spite of this, we are STILL carrying our big guy around in it...but, only in/out of daycare. It's just easier to struggle along with him weighing me down in the carrier than to juggle getting Lainey and him safely to and in the car. If the temperatures weren't so scarily frigid and we didn't have mounds of ice and snow everywhere, I'd be a little more open to figuring it all out. But for now I just want to get them safely in their seats as quickly as possible in the eveings.

Nick's had a few achievements recently. As of this weekend, he's finally pulling himself into a standing position. Mark tried futilely all weekend to capture it on camera, but Nick wouldn't perform. What he DID catch on camera was Nick's first "mommy" during bathtime tonight. As much as I would like to claim it as his first word, Mark's says he said "dada" twice the other day and pointed to him. I did not see this feat. But, since no one witnessed Lainey's first recognition of me as "mama," which I still declare HER first word, I have to give this one to Mark. Although, if we're both honest, I really think his first word was "Lainey." For a few weeks now, he's been making the noise "aynay," and it just so happens he makes it when Lainey appears in the room. Mark took the video on the camcorder, so it will be awhile before I actually get around to downloading it and until we run out of memory and have to take stuff of the memory card.

Nick's also waving hi/bye, clapping, and playing peek-a-boo (aka "Where's Nick") on command now. And according to his daycare teachers, he's rolling his eyes. I wonder who taught him that little trick? Couldn't be my sweet little 2-year-old? (Nor his mommy when reacting to the many challening things said sweet little 2-year-old does.) He's also learning to fight back a bit. Lainey stole a toy from him in the bathtub last week and he screamed and then slapped her across the face. While I really don't want another hitter on my hands, I had to cheer a little for my guy (internally, of course).

While I've been a little sad at how quickly time is passing with Nick, I have to admit, things are getting pretty fun. He's babbling and playing and learning new stuff every day! Love this little guy!

He's still comfortable enough to doze

He is such a happy boy!

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