Laineybug is 10 months old today! I can't believe how fast time has flown and how quickly she masters new tricks these days. She's a lightening-fast crawler and is now cruising along furniture, although she still gets licorice legs when I hold her up by her hands to walk. But, she hates anything that restrains her arms or hands, so it's quite possible she just wants to get free to move completely on her own. Just a few days ago, she started standing without holding on to anything. Such a big girl! Her mouth remains toothless, but everything else is right on track.
She said "Mama" twice this morning and I am convinced she actually used it in reference to me--not just gibberish. I am officially claiming it as her first word!
We've got a fun weekend planned with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Brandi's house! I'm sure Lainey won't get spoiled at all...
Enjoy the latest pics of our best girl:
Lainey's 10th Month
Happy girl! |
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