Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's New with Elaine?

Well, it's been a tough couple of weeks, so I haven't really been in the blogging frame of mind. But, Mom would be super angry if I kept Lainey's faithful followers in the dark on her new happenings. There was nothing she loved more than bragging about her kids and her little granddaughter. So, here's what's new with our little (although rapidly growing) peanut!

  1. She's FOUR months old now!!! And still in the 95% for height and head size and 50% for weight. Although, she's starting to get chubby--I feel like I'm finding a new skin fold everyday! Too bad it's getting colder and I have to keep all those wonderful folds covered up most of the time! All the pictures from her fourth month are here: Month Four
  2. She's a tough girl. When we got her vaccinations, she didn't cry at all after the first shot, and while she really wailed after the second, she stopped as soon as I picked her up.
  3. She's super curious and wants to touch and grab everything--and then put it in her mouth.
  4. Sofie Giraffe is her new best friend.
  5. Mom had been trying to convince me since Elaine was about two months that she was teething, but it may finally be true. She's really started gnawing on things and the drool is neverending.
  6. She's big enough for her jumperoo and LOVES it! Yay! I finally can have some hands-free time around the condo!
  7. She's sleeping very well at night and generally makes it to at least 4:00am, if not the whole night, without waking. I was nervous, because during our travel she wouldn't sleep more than two hours. I thought we were in for a big "cry-it-out" battle. But, once she was back home and in her crib, she's been great!

Jumperoo time! (Note the droplet of drool about to fall from her chin.)

So, there are the highlights, and I hope to be back in the swing of updating this thing! Thanks to everyone for the love and support!

Kisses from Grandma


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