Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Don't Forget the "I Love You"

Three generations of love

If there is only one life lesson I keep from my mom, it will be to never say goodbye without saying "I love you." Of course this only applies to people you actually could be awkward to part ways with the 7/11 clerk this way. But, joking aside, be it your parent, child, partner, or good friend, if you love them, tell them and make it the last thing you say when you part. Sometimes it will be may be angry or tired or annoyed or just in a rush, but say it anyway. Because the thing is, you never know when it's going to be the last thing you say forever. 

Four years ago, "I love you," were the last three words I said to my mom. She and Dad were on their way to Chicago to visit, and she'd called to check-in. To be honest, I wasn't overly excited about the visit. I was newly back at work from maternity leave in a new position with a raging head cold and a three-month-old who was NOT sleeping through the night. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed for the weekend and sleep.  So, I was a little testy and a little curt in my exchange with her, but the conversation still ended with "I love you."  It wasn't the warmest delivery, but I said it. And knowing that those were the last words she heard me say has been immeasurably comforting to me.

So, say it, show it, make sure they know! None of us is promised a tomorrow or even a next five minutes, so don't assume you'll get another chance.

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