My maternity leave with Elaine went fast. My maternity leave with Nick went at warp speed. Friday was my last day at home with my little guy (and we spent half the day at an ENT appointment for Lainey). I haven't done any posts this week, because I've spent every moment drinking up his sweet face. During the days, I think he slept maybe 30 minutes out of my arms all week. I thought going back to work was going to be way easier this time, but it won't be. I already cried when driving to pick Lainey up from daycare at noon on Friday. Not because I didn't want to have her with me, but because it meant my alone time with Nick was really over. Of course there will be stolen time for one-on-ones with him, but who knows when and who knows for how long. I am so happy we made the decision to keep Lainey in daycare three days as week; again, not because I don't adore my daughter, but because it was really special to have that time with just Nick. It's a luxury that most people don't get to have with their younger children. I feel really blessed that I had that time with him.
So, Monday is going to be tough. Even more so than with Lainey, I've been Nick's main caretaker every day of his little life with Mark taking most of the lead with Lainey. So, I'm nervous of how he'll be with strangers. On top of having to be separated from him all day, my poor little guy has his first cold courtesy of big sister. She just can't keep herself from getting up in his face and loves smothering him with kisses these days. It's adorable except when she leaves a trail of snot across his face...sorry Nicky Nick (that's what Lainey calls him). Even with the cold, I'm sure sure he'll fair much better than me this week. I'm going to miss his sweet smiles and coos.
And I have to confess, while I lament are impending separation, I could keep him home another two days. I don't go back to work until Wednesday, but I'm taking one day to do doctor's appointments and errands and one day just for me (although that day is looking more and more like another errand/chore day). Let's see if I can make it to 5pm each day before going to pick the kids up...
This Guy |
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