Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All She Wants to Do is Dance...

Lainey had her 18-month check-up last week. Our little peanut did lots over growing over the past three months, shooting back up into the 90-95% on height (33.5") and maintaining her spot in the 90% on weight (26 lbs. 8 oz.). And her head hasn't slowed in making room for that big, beautiful brain of hers (still over the 98% on head circumference). So, at least the lack of sleep isn't stunting her growth. Silver linings...sometimes you have to reach for them.

Lainey is chatting up a storm. She pretty much talks from the moment she wakes to the moment she drifts off at night. We're surprised every day by the new words she's learning and thankful that she hasn't picked up any of our not-so-toddler friendly slips of the tongue. We've been talking about it for months, but it really is time to put a lockdown on the R-rated language and to pay attention to the lyrics coming from the ipod (which is a shame, because Lainey loves her hip hop, but we don't have the FCC-approved tracks).

Good thing she has other musical inclinations, because our girl LOVES to dance and shake her bon bon! Her skills continue to improve, and I must say, in my own, impartial opinion, the girl's got moves! She's pretty much perfected her little booty shimmy. I've been meaning to post the below video for over a month now and have been trying to get a better one in the meantime. But, every time we try to tape her she spots the camera and goes running for it, so this will have to do for now...

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