After over three months of trying to fit it in, Mark and I FINALLY made the trip to get our new iphones. I snagged an awesome Rosie the Riveter case for mine. She will be a great symbol of female empowerment for Miss Lainey, who will undoubtedly be staring endlessly at the back of this phone as I take copious pics of her cute mug.
And maybe a little inspiration for me, ‘cause I’m definitely not feeling “Rosie” right now. More like “Kylie the Kaput.”
Lainey’s ongoing ear troubles keep her up most nights and being held upright is often the only position that gives her relief for sleep. I gotta’ be honest. While I love taking a weekend nap with my little one, it’s hard getting a restful night’s sleep with a 19-pound baby on your chest. I try to count my blessings. Her issues are very common and relatively easy to fix (tubes on in on Thursday). I know there are too many parents with truly sick children who would give their right arms to go through a few months sleep deprivation if it meant their child would be okay. But, gratitude is sometimes hard to find at 3am as you hold your crying baby for the umpteenth night and watch the clock tick towards your 5:30am alarm.
Right now I feel like I’m stumbling through my days, getting the bare minimum done and not doing anything particularly well. Trying to juggle work, errands, house chores and mommy duties has me in a tailspin. Calgon, take me away!!! (Does Calgon even exist anymore?)
I suppose life is still cushier than working in a war manufacturing plant... |