Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Asshole Parent

I'm following this hilarious feed on Instagram called #assholeparents. It's pictures of kids throwing huge tantrums over injustices such as a broken cookie, a pre-peeled banana, or the worst atrocity--being given EXACTLY what they asked for. The feed makes me laugh and I can relate, because based on Nick's throw downs of late, he seems to think I'm one huge asshole of a parent (seriously, everything I do makes this kid angry). But, as it turns out, he may be right....

Lainey has been pulling the sick card lately when she wants to get out of something or thinks it will help her score more TV time. She was really working the "sore throat" story on Saturday before nap. So, I gave her some ice water and told her a nap would help her feel better. She thought TV would make it feel better. After much debating, whining, and tantruming I did get her asleep. About 20 minutes later, Mark came down the stairs carrying her and said, "she says her throat and tummy hurt." I rolled my eyes at his naivete, but didn't force them back upstairs. I stuck with my ice water and rest approach and said she could be on the couch instead of in bed--but, NO television! I did offer to play a game with her and she perked up right away, allowing me to give Mark my smuggest, "I told you so" look. We played a few rounds of Spot It and then she started in with the whining again, at which point I got a little snappy with her and told her she didn't need TV, she needed a nap. In her fit of injustice, she threw herself off the couch and landed on a toy, hurting herself. I reached down to scoop her up and picked up a huge helping of guilt along with her. She was on fire! Her temperature came in at 102.5 and now it was Mark's turn to be Mr. McSmug Face.

I still didn't let her watch any TV, but I did let her have a popsicle and the whole thing was a good "The Girl Who Cried Wolf" lesson for her. But, even so...what an asshole parent moment!

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