Monday, October 8, 2012

15 Months and Growing!

Elaine had her 15-month check-up last Wednesday and all is well. Her stats are staying on track...height 75th percentile (31.75"), weight 90th percentile (25.3 lbs.) and head still topping the charts in the 98th percentile (19 1/8"). We're backing her off the whole milk and going with 2%--guess we're trying to keep her from climbing too high on the charts.

Her development is also perfectly where it should be. In fact, and not to brag or anything, she already can do everything on the 16-month Ages & Stages Questionnaire. That's right folks...she's a whole three weeks ahead of the curve. That's why she has such a big head; it's housing a big, beautiful brain! I do have to say that Mark and I have been amazed over that past few weeks at how quickly she's picking up words and is able to understand questions we ask and to follow directions (well, when she wants to...ask her to come put her shoes on, no problem...tell her "no" or "stop" and she won't even glance at us). Last weekend I was sorting laundry and asked Lainey to bring me one of the laundry hampers from the other room. Now, I was just joking, but next thing I know I hear these little grunts of effort and turn to see Lainey pulling a half-full hamper across the room to me.

My favorite new development has to be the emergence of the word "mommy." After months of "dada" and "dadeeee", it's just awesome to hear mommy, mommy, mommy. I can't get enough of it! Although, it makes some things more difficult. It's one thing to ignore her cries when she's resisting bedtime, it's another to deafen my ears to the plaintive cries of "mommmmeeeeee"! Add that to two chubby little hands reaching up from her crib and I'm toast. Let's just say she got to fall asleep in bed with me last night, instead of her crib. Well played, little Lainey, well played.

So, that's a quick update on our girl. Now that I'm back on my feet post-stomach flu, I'll try to get a few more posts in this week. Like how the house hunt is going...oh wait--there is absolutley no news on that front other than we haven't found a house. But, I'm sure I can come up with something to babble on about. In the meantime, enjoy a video of Laineybug playing with daddy (I don't know how she kept her pacifier in her mouth the whole time)!

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