Thursday, August 28, 2014

Goodbye CLP

Today was our last day with CLP. It was a teary morning drop-off, but I held up much better at afternoon pick-up. It just hard saying goodbye. These women have seen my kids through a lot over the past three years. They've seen them through countless blow-outs, scrapes, and tantrums. They've played with them, nurtured them, and taught them. But, most of all, they have loved them. I always knew that Lainey and Nick were getting plenty of love during the day. The teachers always made it seem like they were their "favorites," which I'm sure they did with most parents, but it was nice to think your kids were extra special.

And Tuesday we will begin again. While I've come to terms that we won't enjoy some of the "frills" offered at CLP, I'm nervous about the love part. And I'm absolutely twisted up about dropping them off with a room of strangers and walking out the door. It was easy when they started daycare at 12 weeks--as long as someone fed and changed them, they could have cared less. But, it's going to be a whole new ballgame. Maybe the more I torture myself over it for the next four days, the easier it will be Tuesday morning, and I can laugh about getting myself worked up over nothing.

I know we're making the right decision--on so many levels. The traffic we experience today to/from CLP, while Nick screamed 90% of the way, was a solid reminder that we need to have them closer to the house. And the hefty chunk of cash we just had to shell over to fix the air conditioner was a lot easier to swallow knowing we'll be saving on the daycare front. But, just because it's the right decision, doesn't mean it's been the easy one.

Wish us luck on Tuesday!

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