Monday, October 5, 2015

Little Buddy is Getting Bigger!

Little Buddy -  2 1/2

Nick had his 2-1/2-year check-up last Thursday. All is well with our growing boy--and boy is he growing! He's at 38.5 inches and almost 34 pounds, putting him in the 90-95% of height and 75-90% of weight. I was particularly excited about the heightt, because several rides at Disney World require you to be 38 inches, and my sloppy measurement had him closer to 37 inches. Now, I think we have a shot at the 40-inch rides!

What can I say about the Buddy? He's definitely living up to the Terrible Twos moniker, and I do believe he may throw worse tantrums than Lainey did at this age. His are less frequent than hers were, but once he digs in, he doesn't let go. We're talking over an hour of screaming and about 50% of the time we have no idea why he's upset. So, that's fun. But, when he's in a good mood, he's the funniest, sweetest kid and full of personality. And he's a great eater!!! He'll try anything and so far, ends up liking most of what we put in front of him. We're going through some sleep difficulties right now where he wakes up and wants to go sleep on the couch. But, at least when he's down there he usually just wants to be left alone to sleep--"Go away. I don't want you!"--not the nicest words, but it does allow me to go back to bed without any guilt.

Speaking of not nice thing that I am anxiously waiting for him to outgrow is his attachment to Mark during the first and last hour of the day. It's not that he just pefers Mark during these two time periods, it's that he HATES me! I'm not exaggerating. If I try to put him to bed, he'll scream, cry, hit, throw things at me, and yell "No! Not you! I don't like you!" I try to be tough about it, but it's definitely broken my heart a few times. I'd probably be more distraught if he weren't so cuddly with me outside these hours. He'll give me hug upon hug and kiss upon kiss and tell me he loves me all day long (something he doesn't do with Mark). But, once 7:30pm hits, something flips his switch and I become the enemy. Same deal when he wakes up the next morning. But, this past week we've seen  some improvment. He was fine with me getting him up in the morning, and I even got to put him to bed twice! Fingers crossed that we continue to progress.

Even with his toddler antics, I still loves this age! It's just so full of discovery, humor, and fun. I need to soak up all the sweetness before he picks up too much of his sister's attitude and sass. Hopefully, that is one area where he is NOT a fast learner...

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